Page 48 of Stay

Not to mention how completely immoral it would look as a judge to have a relationship with my son’s nanny who is thirteen years younger than me.

What I did a couple of nights ago was so out of line.

And the fact that I haven’t made it right in person makes it even worse, but I’ve needed to get my head on straight. I worked at the office and then went skiing with my brothers and Owen on Saturday afternoon. Felicity’s car was gone, so I didn’t have to make a decision about talking to her yet. Then Owen spent the night at Grinny’s with Dakota, and I went to Blake and Camila’s restaurant Tiptop. I don’t see Blake and Camila often enough, but it’s always great when we can hang out.

All I could think about was how much they’d love Felicity and how I wished I could take her there, so it didn’t work to get her out of my head, but today’s a new day. And I feel more resolute today than I did yesterday.

I picked Owen up an hour ago, and we came back to the house to pick up Felicity and go to the game. That’s been the plan since earlier in the week…before I shot everything to shit.

But there’s a note from Felicity on the kitchen island saying she got a ride with Callum, Ruby, Scarlett, and Jamison.

Fuck.I’ve blown it again.

Owen and I get on the road and Owen falls asleep, worn out from his sleepover, and I mull over what I’m going to say when I see Felicity.

We’re in a suite this time, and when Owen and I get there, the party’s already started. Callum is the first one I see, and he squeezes my shoulder after hugging Owen.

“Thanks for bringing Felicity,” I tell him.

“Of course,” he says. He frowns. “You okay?”


When I sound anything but, he shoots me another look.

“I will be. I’ve just needed…” I shake my head and lean in, so no one else will hear what I’m about to say. “I’m not sure it was a good idea to have her live above the garage. There’s no…space.”

His eyebrows raise. “And you’re needing space?”

I stare at him for a moment and nod slowly. Who am I kidding? My brothers know me better than anyone and for some reason, Callum has always been the one to drag things out of me with his quiet man sorcery. For a man of few words, he seems to always get to the heart of the matter.

“You like her,” he says simply.

“More than I should,” I admit.

“She’s a good person. What’s wrong with liking her?”

“I’ve already?—”

He holds up his hand. “I’ve heard your reservations, but some of that is you holding yourself to a higher standard than you have to.”

I shake my head. “I can’t, Callum.”

He nods. “Okay. Then you probably shouldn’t see her tonight.”

I’ve already been looking all over the room for her. It’s crowded, but if she were in here, I’d have found her by now.

“Why not?”

He grins. “She came dressed to kill.”

“Fuck. Me.”


Ruby comes over and leans her head on Callum’s shoulder.

“My wife did as well,” Callum adds.