Page 47 of Stay

“Oh…I was texting the girls about the game tomorrow and my alarm went off. I lost my mind and got ready, not realizing it’s Saturday.” I laugh. “I’m a mess. But Sutton should’ve let me know. You didn’t have to do all this. I’m right here.”

I carry the rest of the food to the table and Owen starts piling it on his plate. This little guy likes his breakfast.

“Oh, it’s all right. I was missing my boy, and Sutton didn’t want to wake you up early on your day off. He knew I’d be up. It’s no trouble at all,” Grinny says. She sips her coffee and beams at me. “You look so lovely.”

“Thanks, Grinny.” Her words and smile give me a boost. I was feeling a bit dejected after all my efforts to look good and he’s not even here.

It’s not lost on me that he wanted to avoid seeing me so bad, he went into work early on a Saturday morning.

How will I hold onto this job if my boss can’t even see me?

I enjoy breakfast with Grinny and Owen. He can hardly contain his excitement about the game tomorrow, and his energy is infectious. After I help clean up, I decide to go out for a little while. I don’t want to hog Owen from Grinny, and I may as well explore the town since I have nothing better to do.

I stop at the little boutique connected to the resort and then I go find the lingerie shop Scarlett’s mentioned recently opening. I’m blown away by how beautiful the pieces are and buy a couple. I’m not sure when I’ll ever have a chance to wear them and I don’t need to be spending money on anything right now, but it does make me feel better. I don’t often use retail therapy, but it works. For now, anyway.

After going into a few more shops, I see an adorable restaurant called The Pink Ski, but it looks too crowded to get in. There are skis of every different color making a fence near the restaurant and at the bottom of one of the ski runs, and I wonder what made them settle on pink for the name of the restaurant. When traffic starts creeping, I turn off of the main strip and see Sunny Side, a restaurant I’ve heard mentioned more than once. This is where the girls say everyone bets on things. It looks alittle tamer than everything did on Heritage Lane and I find a spot and park.

When I step inside, it gets quiet and it’s almost like the whole restaurant stops to look at me, but then it quickly picks back up, and I think I’ve imagined the whole thing.

On a little bulletin board next to the counter, I start reading and then step closer to see if I’m reading it correctly.

Oh. My. God.

The bets were not exaggerated in the least.

When will Sutton Landmark find love?

Higher winnings if you guess right between Gwyneth Daly, Felicity Shaw, or Unknown.

My eyes widen. I’m on the list? I’ve never even been in here before. Has Sutton seen this? He’d be appalled that anyone’s even considering this. Or maybe he has seen it and that’s why he’s concerned. I keep reading.

What month will Jamison ask Scarlett to marry him?

How much snow will we get in February?

*Lindsey Carpenter, you are the winner of January’s weather bet. Collect your prize by February 1stor it will go back in the pot.*

I’m about to back out of there when a nice lady comes out and asks if I’d like to sit at the counter or a booth. I get a shake to go and get the hell out of there.




I know, I’m a coward.

But the truth of it is, I’ve desperately needed the space from Felicity.

It’s not that I’m afraid of facing her.

The problem is she felt so damn good that I want nothing more than to touch her again, and I can’t.

I absolutely can’t.

Regardless of what my brothers say, she’s too young.

It sounds okay in theory since she’s legal, but when I’m fifty, she’ll be entering her prime and I’ll be ready to snooze.