Page 44 of Stay

“Marlow’s turned me onto some of her favorite cocktails, just occasionally since they’re full of sugar,” Wyatt says, putting his arm around Marlow. “We obviously got virgin ones tonight since we’ve got a baby on the way.”

“You’re going through all that torture and there’s not even alcohol in it?” I ask incredulously.

Wyatt picks up the drink and slugs it.

“Refreshing,” he says when he sets it down. He leans back in. “I didn’t miss what you were throwing out when you saidgirl. She’s young, yes, but twenty-two is perfectly legal, and the way she keeps glancing over here to see if you’re looking tells me she is more than interested.”

“I’m just here because I feel responsible for her,” I grumble.

“Okay, you keep telling yourself that and possibly miss out on something great. Don’t tell me you’re not as smart as I thought you were,” he says.

“When did you get so smug?” I grind out, swiping my hand down my face again.

He just grins and lifts his glass. “I dare you to go get her. We can even take Owen home for the night.”

I scoff. “It’s a school night.”

Who fucking cares?He mouths it so he doesn’t get fined by the expletive police, otherwise known as Owen and Dakota.

The restaurant cheers when the song is over and Wyatt says something, but I can’t stop watching Felicity with that jock wannabe.

Wyatt’s wrong. I haven’t caught feelings. Felicity has become a friend in a short amount of time for sure, and okay, I have less than platonic thoughts about what I’d like to do with her body…but since I know that can’t go anywhere, I’m just in this weird protective friend role that I’m trying to fill.

And failing horribly.

I look at her again, giving myself five seconds to get my fix, and her eyes meet mine. I stand up.

“Owen, let’s get back home,” I say.

“Already?” he asks.

“You’re not going for it? Unbelievable,” Wyatt says.

“Mind your business.”

“Granddad would be busting your balls right now,” Wyatt says, pointing at me.

I pause, knowing he’s right, but then shake my head. “He’d be appalled that we’re talking about someone like this who’s Scarlett’s age.Younger, even.”

He shakes his head. “Scarlett is living with her boyfriend. As much as I hate to admit it, our little sister is an adult.” He whispers, “We might hate it, butgasp, Scarlett and Jamison sleep in the same bed. Haven’t you seen that lingerie she makes? That should clear up the matter in your head about your sister’s age. She’s not a little girl anymore, brother. And neither is that woman over there.”

Marlow leans in and I can tell by the mischief in her eyes that she’s about to say something rotten. “I’ve got a great idea,” she says, voice low. “Get Felicity in one of Scarlett’s works of lingerieart and you won’t have any confusion about whether Felicity is too young or not.”

I scowl at both of them and they just laugh, while I motion for Owen to get up. He grabs his device while I kiss Dakota goodbye, and we get out of there fast.

The image of Felicity on her knees in my bed, dressed in nothing but one of those sexy scraps of lace just made me hard as a rock.




I can barely enjoy the night.

I was frustrated when Sutton showed up at the restaurant, but I’m even more frustrated when he leaves.

It’s not rational whatsoever—neither my frustration nor the relief over Gwyneth not being with him—and that’s what makes me the maddest, this irrational thinking.