Page 41 of Stay

He laughs when I look at him in surprise.

“Kidding. But you can talk about my brother if you want. I tell him he’s a bastard all the time.” His eyes are twinkling with amusement as he looks up at me.

Goodness, these Landmarks could make a girl get woozy.

Dakota holds out her hand, and Wyatt startles.

“What did I even say?”

“B-word,” Dakota whispers.

He sighs and fishes out a dollar from his pocket.

“Don’t let him fool you. The brothers—and Scarlett—have each other’s backs more than anyone I know. They all talk a goodgame,” Marlow says, laughing. She motions toward the table. “Join us?”

“I don’t want to interrupt,” I start.

Wyatt pulls out a chair for me. “Don’t be silly. Marlow was craving Pierre’s wings and Dakota was hoping there would be karaoke.”

I sit down, smiling at Dakota.

“Wings seemed like a reasonable pregnancy craving.” Marlow grins. “Better than a middle-of-the-night request for something with pickles.”

“I’m living for the day that happens,” Wyatt says, reaching out to thread his fingers with hers.

They are so cute it gives my heart whiplash.

A throat clears and we all look up. I expected to see a waiter, but it’s the guy I ran into when I got here.

“I hope it’s okay that I do this,” he says, his eyes on me. “I just…wondered if I could have your number.”

“Oh.” I look at him in surprise. “I?—”

“If you need to think about it longer, here’s mine,” he says, pushing a piece of paper toward me that has his number. “My name’s Ethan and I’ll be here for a few weeks and coming through Landmark Mountain often. I…thought we had a good vibe back there.” He tilts his head toward the entrance.

I’m not sure when there was time to have any kind of vibe since I just ran into him, but I pick up his number and glance at it. His name is above the number with a Colorado area code.

“Thanks,” I say, waving it slightly.

“I’d love for you to join me for a drink. I’m right over there.” He points toward his table with a few friends. He grins and nods at Wyatt and Marlow, smiling at me once more before he walks away.

“Well, well,” Marlow says, leaning in. “Somebody’s interested!” She laughs. “Didn’t take long for Miss Felicity Shaw to make her presence known in Landmark Mountain.”

My cheeks flush and I shake my head, laughing.

Wyatt sets his phone on the table and lifts an eyebrow. “Are you interested in that guy?”

I lift a shoulder. “A month or two ago I might’ve been, but?—”

The waiter comes up then and we all order. Not long after that the karaoke starts, and we listen for a while, commenting here and there about who’s good and exchanging looks when it’s not as good. Our food has just arrived when I hear Owen’s voice behind me. I turn and see Sutton and Owen walking to the table.

Owen starts to sit in the chair next to me and Dakota motions for him to sit next to her. He gives me a hug first and then goes to sit next to her. Sutton sits down next to me and I feel him glancing my way. I don’t look at him. Seeing him kissing Gwyneth is still on repeat in my mind like a festering wound.

It’s best I just pretend my boss doesn’t exist.