Page 37 of Stay

I take another sip of tea and stand. “The water is still hot if you’d like some tea. I’ll head out and let you get some sleep.”

“You’re not staying?” he asks softly.

Again with my thundering heart. I smile and shake my head. “It’s late. I should get to bed. Tomorrow will come early.”

He nods. “You’re right. Sleep well, Felicity.”

“You too. Thanks for rescuing me.”

“Anytime.” His voice sounds like he’s smiling, but when I meet his gaze, he’s more serious than I expected.

“Night, Sutton.”

I slip out the door before I can do anything crazy…like try to kiss him.




Over the next few days, I can’t quite put my finger on what’s different about Felicity. Because we had such a great time at the game and before that, out with my family at The Dancing Emu, it catches me by surprise when she’s not herself. Or not even that, just distant maybe. She’s not in any way rude, but shedoesn’t take any extra time to chat, and the past few nights, she’s prepared dinner but hasn’t eaten with us.

Tonight, Owen and I were forlorn as we ate the amazing soup she’d made, without her.

“Do you think she has a date?” Owen asks as we clean up the kitchen.

I turn to look at him, surprised he’d thought of that and I hadn’t.

“I don’t know,” I admit. “Did she say something about a date?”

He shakes his head. “No, but she’s leaving and she looks nice.”

He points toward the window and I go just close enough to see that she’s getting into her car…and shedoeslook nice.Reallyfucking nice.

“Good for her,” I say quietly.

My chest twinges slightly and I rub it, feeling a slight ache there.

“Good for her,” I repeat.

Maybe if I say it enough times, I’ll mean it.

I do mean it.

I’m trying to mean it.

She’s a great girl. She deserves a guy that can show her a good time, someone who will treat her right. Someone her age, obviously. Problem is, I don’t know anyone like that around here. My sister dated a couple of the locals and they sure as hell weren’t good enough for her, and every other single guy I know either enjoys the tourists a little too much or has no intention of settling down. There’s no way I’d trust Felicity with any of them…

And that leaves the tourists.

That’s a bad idea waiting to happen.

She deserves way better than that.

Owen and I play Mario Kart for a while and then he gets his shower. When I tuck him in, he says, “Is Mom still coming next weekend?”

“Yes, if everything goes according to plan, she’ll fly in on Friday night and be here until Sunday.”