Page 31 of Stay

“What is your type? Wait—let me guess.” He smirks, looking down at my outfit. “Jock.”

I flush slightly. “I’ve gone out with more than a few jocks,” I admit.

He studies my expression for a second, and I feel like he can read every dirty thought.

“We’re going to the right place then,” is all he says.

I make a face, shaking my head. “No. Not only would I not want to date a football player, but Weston would never allow it.”

He chuckles. “That’s a good brother.”

I roll my eyes. “Scarlett mentioned you were always ridiculously protective of her too.”

He pretends to be offended again.

“Nothing I do is ridiculous,” he says, smirking.


Again, I’m tempted to at least crack the window alittleto cool down.

“Mm-hmm,” I say, laughing.

He points at me. “You should trust your elders.”

My eyes narrow on his. “Okay, Elder Landmark. So what you’re saying is that I should only hope for a love life as fulfilling as yours?”

He chokes back a laugh and scrubs a hand over his face, suddenly looking a decade younger. “Scratch that. As the only divorced Landmark, I am in no way the relationship expert.”

My laugh dies as I study him. He really carries a lot of pressure over that divorce. I’d like to help him get over that.




I’ve broken out in a sweat multiple times during the ride to Clarity Field, certain Felicity will be able to tell that I’ve been hard for most of the trip. When we step out into the crisp air and Felicity gets to work making the bed of the truck cozy, I take a few deep breaths before I start helping her. She got a parkingpass at the stadium so we could tailgate. Callum dropped the truck off early, and I was surprised to find it already loaded when I went outside this morning.

She lifts the blanket and pulls out a small portable grill and then smiles when she registers my shock.

“I thought it’d be fun to grill our own hot dogs…or burgers. We have both in the cooler,” she says.

“Yes,” Owen says, bouncing around her.

“Incredible,” I add. “I had no idea you’d brought all this.”

The large cooler has root beer and bottles of Coke—our favorites—tons of bottled water, hard cider, and large veggie and fruit trays that she assembled, the dips covered with cling wrap. There’s also some kind of dessert option that looks delicious. I can’t tell if it’s lemon bars or what, but I’m here for it.

The smaller cooler has the meat, and once the grill is going, she puts a few hot dogs and burgers on there.

“Looks like you’ve done this a few times,” I say, as she gets another basket from the truck.

“I haven’t been able to come to many games since Weston’s been with the Mustangs—we did this more when he was in college. But I’ll be making up for lost time,” she says, smiling over at me. “Number one fan right here.”

I set out the chairs and watch Owen’s face light up when Felicity tosses a football his way.

“Felicity!” A high, sing-songy voice carries through the already noisy area, and I turn to see who it is.