Page 27 of Stay

She laughs like she knows I’m joking, and I’m amazed again by how easy it is to be around her. Each day I brace myself, disarmed by her beauty and charm, but by the time we get to these dinners together, my defenses lower and it’s impossible to not just enjoy being with her.

And Owen. He looks at her like she is the sun and the moon.

I should be concerned by how attached he’s getting to her, but the laughter and warmth she’s brought into our home has been invaluable. I’m soaking it up as much as he is and not willing to think about the day she’snothere just yet.

Which has enormous red flags all over it, I realize this and yet, here I am, eager for any and all interaction with her.

After dinner, I change into jeans and a sweater and call Callum.

“No,” he says, not bothering with a hello. Bastard never does.

“I expect to see your ass at The Dancing Emu,” I tell him firmly. “If I have to go, so do you.”

“No one’s making you,” he argues.

“The girls texted that it’s a little welcome for Felicity, and Owen’s all excited about it, so we’re going and I don’t want to hear you whine about it.”

“Fine,” he grumbles, hanging up.

I grin at myself in the mirror as I tame my hair and grab my toothbrush. That was easier than I thought it’d be. Ruby’s had that effect on him.

Owen talks during the whole ride. Our usual haunts are Happy Cow and Sunny Side, with the occasional family dinner at The Pink Ski, or for the big nights, Tiptop. The Gnarly Vine and The Dancing Emu can get a little out of hand during tourist season, but it’s usually harmless fun. We can bail if it’s too much.

“If we have to leave earlier than you want, anyone in my family will be happy to bring you home,” I tell Felicity as we walk inside.

“I’m not tired,” Owen says, opening the door for us.

“Of course not.” I ruffle his hair and he grins at me.

“As I live and breathe,” Peg sings, flitting over to me and kissing my cheeks and then Owen’s. She turns to Felicity and takes her hand, whistling. “You’re even prettier than they said. And just look at the legs on you.” She fans her face, her smile wide. “I need to up my wager,” she says under her breath.

Confusion and then amusement flits over Felicity’s face, but she’s friendly to Peg and then distracted by Grinny and Helen walking over. Great timing. I don’t even want to know what they’re betting on over at Sunny Side. This town is full of a bunch of nosy, matchmaking busybodies who love nothing more than placing bets on everything from how many inches the next snowfall will be to who will be the next Landmark to get married. My brothers and sister have kept tongues wagging over the past nine months, and with Wyatt and Marlow engaged and Scarlett and Jamison going strong, I’d like to hope that my name is kept out of the shenanigans, but the people around here have a way of making something out of nothing.

Wouldn’t surprise me at all if there’s already a bet going on in this town about who will win the heart of Felicity Shaw.

I introduce Helen to Felicity, Helen’s tightly permed hair bouncing slightly as she grasps Felicity’s hand and smiles.

“I’ve been hearing wonderful things about you,” Helen says.

Felicity looks so touched, it’s endearing. “Likewise,” she says. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting Grinny’s besties.”

Grinny hugs her and then reaches for me. “And how are you, my handsome boy?” She pulls back and pats my cheek. “You sure look swoony in your sweater.”

I squeeze her hand. “For you, Grin. I know how you like me in a sweater.” I’m like a kid when she laughs, her laugh has been my goal for as long as I can remember. “You look lovely tonight. You singing?”

“No, no. I’ll leave that to you kids,” she says.

Just then we hear a loud, “Stop! In the name of love,” and look onstage to see Peg, holding up her hands when she gets to the wordstop.

“And Peg,” Grinny adds.

Our attention is drawn to Felicity and the girls when they start dancing with Owen. My son pulls out some impressive dance moves.

Grinny chuckles. “Where did he learn to do that?“

I turn to her with an ambivalent expression. “We may or may not have an occasional dance party at the Summit House.”

“I see.” Her lips twitch as she tries to stay serious. “I’d like to be invited to one of those Summit House dance parties sometime.” She leans in. “How’s it going with Felicity?”