Page 129 of Stay

“It’s not a race.” I poke him in the side, laughing when he cracks up. “I’d marry her tomorrow, but I’m trying to take this slowly and enjoy all of it.”

He nods. “Okay. As long as she stays forever, I’m good with waiting on a wedding. But I like the dancing,” he adds.

I pull him into a hug. “Well, start telling me the songs you want to dance to, so we’ll have a head start. We can start a list.”

He jumps off the bed, unable to sit still. He reaches for my phone to look at songs, and I hand it to him.

“The family will be here soon. I wanted to talk to you about it before I talk to them.” I get up and walk to his door.

He nods, lost in the list of songs. I laugh and he glances up and nods again.

“I’ll come down when they get here.”

“With my phone,” I call as I walk down the hall.

Everyone starts trickling in, at first quietly because Wyatt and I have them all scared of making Felicity relapse. But Felicity is there in the middle of them all, radiant and chatty, acting more like herself than she has in so long.

Scarlett, Jamison, and Grinny are the only ones missing and when Scarlett and Jamison walk in, her face is red and she’s fanning her face.

“You okay?” Callum asks, his hand on her elbow.

“You guys are not going to believe what we just saw.” She looks back at Jamison and he looks amused but doesn’t say anything.

“What?” Theo asks.

“Out with it,” Wyatt says.

Scarlett points between herself and Jamison, back and forth, back and forth, eyes huge.

“Ourgrandparentsjust kissed.”

She drops those words and then stares at us. We’re silent for a minute and then the questions start flying.


What do you mean?


“Grinny and Pappy were in the car together and they didn’t see us pull up,” she says, winded from saying it so fast. “And we were going to tap on the window, but then they startedkissing!”

The door opens behind Scarlett just as she yells, “Grinny and Pappy were kissing!”

Grinny’s eyes widen slightly, but she stays fairly reserved. It’s Pappy who turns every shade of red, his neck and ears and face painfully flushed.

“I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” Grinny says, elbowing Pappy.

Again, the questions fly.

How long has this been going on?

When were you going to tell us?

Her eyes meet mine and she smirks. I return it and wink.

“Way to go, you two. It’s about time,” I say, moving forward to hug them. And because I can’t resist pulling shit with my family, I say, “Pappy, you gonna put a ring on it?”

Grinny swats my backside and I jump out of the way, laughing.