I grind against him and he laughs, shaking his head.
“I’ll negotiate about everything with you, but not this,” he says.
“Dammit,” I say, swatting his chest. “You’re so stubborn.”
“Stubbornly in love with you,” he says, kissing me again.
I can’t hold back the grin that takes over my face.
“Well, when you put it that way…”
It’s been two weeks since I told Felicity I love her. It’s been pure bliss. It’s like we’re doing a relationship backwards, having all the conversations we didn’t have before we started sleeping together.
I love her more every fucking minute.
We still haven’t had sex.
Yes, it’s killing me.
Yes, I’ll live.
She had an appointment with Wyatt today and he liked the improvement with her balance and that she’s having fewer headaches.
We’re having the family over in about fifteen minutes. They’ve avoided all coming at once so she’s not overwhelmed or around too much noise, but Wyatt keeps telling her to just take it in small doses. If she’s not feeling well, listen to her body. She’s sworn she’ll go to her room if she starts feeling bad.
Tracy hasn’t been here since right after the accident. She didn’t even stay that whole weekend. I think she’s embarrassed about how she acted, and I hope she’ll come around and be the mom Owen needs her to be, but if she doesn’t, between my family, Felicity, and me…we’re doing our best to make sure he knows how loved he is. It’s all we can do. I still want her to do the right thing, but it’s up to her.
I find Owen in his room. He got his cast off yesterday, and the kid was a pro at maneuvering with a cast, but he’s damn happy to be free of it now.
“Got a minute, Ace?”
He turns and grins at me. “Sure.” He holds up a LEGO figure. “I can finally make these again.”
I hold up my hand and he slaps it.
“I wanted to talk to you about Felicity.”
He puts the figure down and stares up at me. I hold out my hand and we walk to his bed, sitting down.
“She’s not leaving, is she?” The look in his eyes kills me.
“No, she’s not. If I have my way, she’ll stay here forever.”
His face lights up. “Yeah, me too!”
“How would you feel about her being my girlfriend?”
He laughs, bashful but happy. “I’d like it. Do you think you’ll marry her?”
“Maybe one day.”
“You better do it soon. You’re the oldest and Uncle Callum and Uncle Theo are already married…Uncle Wyatt will be soon too.”