Page 123 of Stay




“She’s okay, brother,” Wyatt says. “I’ve just been with her, and while I love you dearly, I can’t answer the phone every two minutes.”

“I haven’t called that much,” I grumble. “It killed me to leave her.”

He laughs, but it just as quickly fades. “I know it did. I saw the look on your face. You’re a whipped puppy, aren’t you?” He doesn’t wait for me to respond, sliding right into doctor mode. “Her scans look good. No surgery needed for her arm...” His pause grows and I slow down my pacing, holding the phone tight against my ear.


He sighs. “But concussions are tricky. We’re learning more about them all the time, and it can be hard to know right away how long-lasting the effects will be.”

“What are you saying?” I’ve been researching traumatic brain injuries since I put Owen to bed and it’s fucking terrifying all that can happen. But I want to hear my brother tell mehisopinion.

“Normally we’d release her tomorrow, given the results of her scans, but I’d like to keep her another day for observation. I have a feeling her parents will want to take her back to Silver Hills and I’d rather her not even travel that short distance right now.”

“What? No, she doesn’t need to go back with them. I’ll take care of her.” My thoughts jump into action, picturing the room I’ll set up for her. The guest suite on the main floor that hardly gets used. That way she won’t have to take the stairs if she’s still dizzy at all.

“Good luck telling them that.” There’s a muffled sound as he speaks to someone else. “I’ve gotta go, Sutton. But I’ll let you know of any updates, I promise. Try to sleep, okay?”

I mumble something back and the call disconnects.

I walk into my room to check on Owen. I just want to have him close even though I can’t stop moving yet. He’s sound asleep, thank God. It took him a while to settle down when we got home. He was exhausted but kept asking about Felicity.

Instead of going to bed, I go downstairs and strip the bed, throw the linens into the washer, and while I’m waiting for that to finish, I dust the furniture and clean the bathroom.

For the first six years or so after our parents died, Grinny and Granddad stayed in the upstairs bedroom I’m in. It’s the largest, with the massive bathroom I’m sure Grinny missed once she moved into this room. This bathroom has a nice tub and shower, but one sink instead of the two upstairs and very little counter space. They moved down here when Scarlett and Theo were old enough to not need them as close during the night and so none of us would have to share a room anymore. Just one more thing my grandparents sacrificed while making it sound like it was their joy to do so.

When I’ve put the clean sheets and comforter back on the bed, I look over the room with a critical eye, trying to imagine anything Felicity might need. From what I’ve read, she should probably avoid reading or watching TV. Room-darkening shades—that’s what we need. And maybe a gift card for audiobooks. I bring a large vase for the flowers I’ll buy before she gets here and set it on her bedside table before calling it done. Next, I order the shades and gift card online, and all of this while checking my phone religiously.

I sent Felicity a few texts when I got home, telling her how I hated to leave her, how grateful I am that she’s okay, to please not ever scare me like that again…and reminding her that she can call or text atanytime. And then I remember she’s supposed to avoid screens and I feel bad that I texted at all.

She finally texts back around three in the morning, just as I’m heading upstairs.


Thank you for not hating me. And it’s okay if deep down you do. I’ll never forgive myself for putting Owen in danger like that. I’m cured of snowmobiles forever. I hope he’s not hurting too much.

An anguished sound comes out of me before I can stop it, the weight of all of it hitting me all over again. I try to get it together before I check on Owen again, relieved that he’s still sleeping well, and I hurriedly text Felicity back.

There’s no part of me that hates you. Please let this guilt go and know that I still trust you with my son now as much as I did before this happened. Remind me to tell you about the time he stood on the back of the chair and fell right on his face before I could reach him fast enough.


I’m so sorry I woke you up!

You didn’t. I’m awake. Why are you? And why are you on your phone?!


Can I call?


I move into my bathroom and shut the door. The phone flashes her name and I answer. I hear her sniffling and it hurts to hear her upset and not be there to touch her, to reassure her.