Page 120 of Stay

I reach out and hold it and she gives me a teary smile.

Wyatt clears his throat, smiling at our hands before he looks at Felicity again. “Are those meds kicking in yet?” he asks.

“I think so,” she says softly.

“Good. I’d like to take you to get X-rays now, okay?”

“Okay.” She glances at me and squeezes my hand. “Tell Owen I love him too, and I’m so sad he broke his arm. I’ll try to get better fast so I can make all his favorite things.”

“You just get better fast,” I tell her. I stand and kiss her forehead, lingering there for a second. “Please, get better,” I whisper.




I’m moved into a new room after the tests are done. They want to keep an eye on me during the night and Wyatt says I’ll be more comfortable here. I drift in and out of sleep, the headache and grogginess pulling me back under. But when I hear Sutton and Owen talking quietly, I force myself to wake up.

“Sorry to wake you,” Sutton says sheepishly.

“Don’t be, I’m so happy to see you guys.”

I reach my hand out to Owen and he hurries over. Sutton moves behind him and I wish I could erase the worry from both of their faces.

“Hey, Ace. I’m so sorry you got hurt. I feel awful about what happened,” I tell him. “How are you feeling?”

He holds my hand and leans on the bed carefully. “Don’t feel bad. It was an accident, and I’m okay. See?” He holds up his arm and I smile when I see his cast. “I got green because it’s our favorite color,” he says, his voice still quiet and shy.

I let go of his hand to pull the blanket down and show him my green cast. He grins, so pleased. My eyes well with tears and his widen.

“Are you hurting?” he asks.

“I’m okay too,” I tell him. “I just think I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have you in my life.”

He leans over like he wants to hug me but then pauses. I hold my good arm out and he comes in, nuzzling into my neck. The tears fall then, and I glance at Sutton to see him fighting back tears too.

He brushes my hair back and his hand caresses my cheek. He starts to say something but stops when he hears something behind him. His hand falls and I miss his warmth.

Footsteps shuffle in and my mom rushes to my bedside, gasping when she sees me. Owen leans up and I pat his back before he moves to make room for my parents.

“Sweetheart,” Mom cries, her face crumbling.

My dad puts his hand on my foot and is at a loss for words.

“I’m okay,” I assure them both.

“You have a concussion and broke your arm. That doesn’t sound okay to me,” my mom insists.

I smile at her, and my eyes find Sutton’s again. He’s quiet and still looks racked with worry. My mom turns to see who has my attention and she grabs a tissue, wiping her nose.

“Thanks for calling us,” she tells Sutton.

“Of course,” he says. “I’m sorry it was such a scary call, but I knew you’d want to know.”

Mom nods and her eyes snag on Owen’s cast. “Were you in the accident too?”

He nods. “Yes, ma’am.”