Page 12 of Stay

Felicity turns when she hears our doors slam and walks toward us, running her hands up and down her arms.

“It got a lot chillier when the sun went down,” she says. “Something smells really good.”

“Sunny Side,” Owen says, holding up the bag of burgers and fries.

“Would you like to eat with us tonight? You’re always welcome to, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to when it’s your day off or…anytime you don’t…just do what’s most comfortable for you.” It’s awkward, but I felt like I needed to get that out of the way right from the get-go.

“With you guys would be great,” she says easily. “Thanks for the food.”

We go inside the house from the side and walk into the kitchen. Felicity looks around as we place the bags and shakes on the table.

“Is this your family?” she asks, pointing at the framed picture by the desk where Owen does his homework.

“That’s at Uncle Theo and Aunt Sofie’s wedding,” Owen says. “And my Uncle Callum just got married too, but we don’t have pictures yet.” He points out who everyone is, and she stares at the picture for a long time, a smile playing on her lips.

“Beautiful family,” she says.

She glances around and sits down at the table. I pass her food to her and she thanks me again.

“Do you have a housekeeper?” she asks.

“I wish,” Owen says, sighing.

I nudge his elbow with mine. “I thought I’d convinced you to enjoy cleaning,” I tease. To Felicity, I say, “We do not. It’s rare for us to have anyone besides family in our home. But they’re over plenty, aren’t they?”

“Lots,” Owen says.

“Well, I’m impressed with how clean your house is…at least the rooms I’ve seen. I can help too—I like to clean.”

Owen’s eyes light up. “Do you like cleaning toilets? Because that’s the worst!”

Felicity and I both laugh.

“You’re not getting out of cleaning the toilet when it’s your week, son. Your future spouse will thank me for it.”

Felicity’s eyes are warm when she glances at me. “Add me to the schedule,” she says. “I want to do my part around here.”

Conversation is easy between the three of us. With Owen around, it wouldn’t be any other way. He’s happy to have her here, all his earlier angst has dissipated, and Felicity seems to love getting to know him.

We go over the upcoming week’s schedule, and I assure her that her time off on Saturdays and Sundays can be spent completely free of any work. I reiterate that she can use the kitchen as her own, anytime. When she yawns a little later, admitting she didn’t sleep much the night before, I stand and clear the table.

“Let me give you my cell number before you head out for the night,” I tell her. “And please, let me know if you need anything.”

“We usually do pancakes on Sunday mornings,” Owen says.

I give her an apologetic smile. “She probably wants her rest on Sunday mornings,” I tell Owen.

She lifts a shoulder and smiles at both of us. “Pancakes sound great. What time?”

“Eight,” Owen says.

“Ifyou’re awake and feel like it, you’re more than welcome,” I tell her. “No pressure.” I squeeze Owen’s shoulder as I say it and he just grins up at me.

We exchange numbers and Owen and I walk her to the door.

“Goodnight, you two,” she says.

“Goodnight,” we echo, both watching her out the window until she’s out of sight.