Page 118 of Stay

“What about Felicity? I tried to hang on, but I couldn’t,” Owen cries.

My God.

My whole world flashed before me when I saw the fox running toward Felicity, and then they hit something and Owen flew in the air, and Felicity went seconds later, her head hitting a rock big enough to jut out of the snow.

“I’m going to go check on her. Okay? Will you be okay while I see about her? I’ll send Uncle Callum over here.”

“I’ll be okay.” He cries harder. “Go check on her, Dad.”

I run to Felicity and don’t even have to ask Callum to go to Owen, he’s on it. I pick up Felicity’s gloved hand and squeeze it.

“Felicity, wake up. Felicity, please, sweetness. Owen’s sore, but I think he’s okay. The ambulance is coming, but I really want to see your eyes. Please open them and let me know you hear me.”

Her head is turned toward the rock her head hit and the night sky has darkened just in the past few minutes. Ruby has herphone flashlight on and keeps it aimed on Felicity, and the lights from the snowmobiles are still illuminating us enough to see the blood trickling down Felicity’s temple.

It feels like forever, but help arrives in record time. I’m grateful that it must be an otherwise quiet night in Landmark Mountain because two ambulances pull in as far as they can and then they come running with stretchers the rest of the way.

I stay to ride with Owen to the hospital, but my heart is torn in two when I see them putting oxygen on Felicity and riding away with her first. Ruby’s with her.

“I’ll call Wyatt and have him meet us there if he’s not on tonight, and I’ll follow in my truck,” Callum says.

I nod gratefully.

“Please, hurry,” I tell the paramedics as they put a neck brace on Owen. I’ve seen them around town before, but I don’t recall ever meeting them, and I hope they’re qualified. “I’m worried about my son, but I’m also worried about Felicity. She isn’t waking up. Please,please, just get us to the hospital.” My voice cracks and I pat Owen’s leg, trying to reassure him when my own heart is breaking.

They nod.

“We’ll get you there as soon as we can,” the guy doing Owen’s vitals says. “I’m Charles and that’s Evan. You’re Dr. Wyatt’s nephew, aren’t you? He’s not going to be happy to see you rolling in on this stretcher, so let’s get you better fast, okay?”

Once they have his coat off, they put his arm in a sling. His vitals are good, and they keep checking the rest of him on the way to the hospital. My head hangs down as I grip Owen’s hand. I can only pray that Felicity is going to be okay.

When we pull in, Wyatt rushes toward us and looks Owen over.

“You scared us, buddy. Am I ever glad to see your face,” Wyatt says, shooting me a concerned look before he glances overthe chart. “Looks like a broken arm is all we have to worry about right now, but we’re going to do all the tests to make sure you’re okay.”

“My arm hurts a lot, and I’m kinda sore, but I’m all right,” Owen says, his gritted teeth letting me know he’s hurting more than he’s letting on.

“How’s Felicity?” I ask. “Have you seen her?”

“I was with her for just a minute and Dr. James and Dr. Emma are with her now. I just had to see Owen for myself.” His eyes are glassy as he ruffles Owen’s hair and then grips my shoulder. “Are you okay?”


He gives me a sympathetic look and motions toward the back. “I’ll come see you after the nurse has been in there.”

He looks at Owen and I can tell he’s still assessing him as he talks. There’s no one I trust more than him in this hospital or any other hospital, for that matter.

“Linda will take you to do a few X-rays, for sure on that arm. You’ll like her a lot. We’ll get some pain meds going, and you just tell Linda if you’d like a popsicle or something special to drink.” Wyatt pats Owen’s leg. “We’ll have you feeling better in no time, I promise.”

“Thanks, Uncle Wyatt.”

He grins at Owen and looks at me. “I’m going to check on Felicity, and I’ll give you an update as soon as I can.”

“Let me know when I can see her,” I say, my voice cracking. I swipe my hand down my face and look at the ceiling while I try to catch my breath.

“I will,” he says.

The fact that my brother walks away from us so quickly lets me know two things: he’s confident Owen is going to be okay, and he’s concerned about Felicity.