Page 116 of Stay

The sight has all of us, even Callum, laughing until we can’t breathe.

When the sky starts to fade into pinks and purples, Owen gets tired and we all take a break.

“I could order takeout if anyone’s hungry,” Ruby says.

“I’ve been thinking about the snowmobiles,” Sutton says. “We haven’t taken them out once this year.”

“You have snowmobiles?” I try to taper off some of the excitement in my voice, but I can’t. I sound giddy. “It’s my favorite thing to do.”

He holds his hand out. “Come on. We have to do it then.”

“Were you hungry though?” I ask Ruby.

“Not yet, actually.” She laughs. “I was just trying to be a good hostess.”

I put my arm around Ruby’s waist and squeeze her, and Sutton’s face softens as he watches us. I smile at him and then laugh at Owen who’s looking up at his dad with pleading eyes and hands clasped.

“What?” Sutton laughs. “If we do this, you can go too.”

“Yes,” Owen says.

“I bet your dad would even take you first when you look at him like that,” I tease.

Sutton smirks. “Don’t tell my secrets, Felicity Shaw,” he pretends to growl. “It just so happens we have enough for everyone to go.” He holds a finger up when Owen jumps up and down. “You’ll be riding with an adult.”

“Can I ride with Felicity?” He goes back to the clasped hands and Sutton ruffles his hair before sliding his hand over his face, making Owen crack up.

“How about I take a loop around first, just to get used to the snowmobile?” I suggest. “Weston and I take ours out every Christmas, so I can handle them. I just would want to be certain I felt comfortable on yours before I take out precious cargo.”

Sutton gives me a smile that is full of such longing, it makes my lungs stall. I don’t miss the look Callum and Ruby exchange and widen my eyes to Sutton as a hint to maybe tone it down a little if he wants this to remain private, but he doesn’t get the message or doesn’t care.

I’d like to believe he doesn’t care, but it’s one step forward, two steps back with this man.

“Good idea,” Callum says and motions for us to follow him.

“Callum has our snowmobiles from last year. We usually ride here or at Theo’s place. All of us are paranoid about the water at my place, even though it’s mostly frozen by now. One of the kids Callum and I went to high school with went out before the ice was fully frozen one year, and he nearly didn’t make it.” Sutton shakes his head.

“Oh no! Was it on your property?” I ask.

“No, but it put the fear in us for life. Theo has a lake at his place too, but it’s not as deep and freezes faster. Anyway, sorry to bring up that horror story. I was mostly trying to explain why our snowmobiles are here,” Sutton says sheepishly.

“That’s awful,” I say, squeezing his arm.

There’s a small outbuilding not too far from the barn and the snowmobiles are in there. Sutton and Callum get four out, and I’m happy to see they’re like mine.

“I’ll go out with you,” Ruby says. “Oh wait. I need to make sure Dolly’s in her stall or she’ll be trying to keep up with me.”

We all laugh and Sutton points out the ones that are his.

“She can ride ours too,” Callum grumbles.

Sutton laughs. “I know. Settle down. I just thought you and Ruby might be more comfortable on yours.”

Callum lifts a shoulder and I giggle. I’m learning he’s more bark than bite. The family contributes his softening to Ruby, but Ruby says it’s who he is—he’s all heart behind his grumbles. I tend to believe the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I get on one of the snowmobiles Sutton pointed out and tilt my head toward Sutton and Owen. “You coming?”

“Why don’t you go while Owen’s getting his helmet on and all that?” Sutton says.