Page 115 of Stay

She laughs and rolls her eyes. “You’re looking awfully sure of yourself all of a sudden.”

“I just love making you come.”

Her breath hitches and her cheeks turn pink. She takes a deep breath and starts to move past me but pauses to run her hand down my stomach and right over my dick. Her eyes brighten when she feels how hard I am.

“Sorry to leave you this way, but it’s time to go.”

“I’mthis wayall the time now that you’re around,” I say to her back as she grabs her coat and tugs it on.

She laughs. “Good.”

I groan and follow her to the car. We’re early enough to park and get out, and it’s worth it when Owen comes out with the rest of his class and takes off running when he sees us.

“Dad!” he yells.

I lower and he jumps into my hug, letting me lift him off his feet, highly unusual behavior for him anymore, but I think he missed me.

“Felicity!” he says when I lower him to the ground. He hugs her just as hard and beams up at us. “I’m so glad you’re back. Aunt Scarlett and I had so much fun, but I missed you guys.”

“I missed you too,” I tell him. “The Super Bowl wasn’t the same without you.”

“Aw, yeah,” he says, his face dropping slightly. “But wait until you see how big the puppies have gotten. You’re not gonna believe it, Felicity.”

“I can’t wait, but I thought maybe we’d go skate for a while today, maybe at Uncle Callum’s rink? You haven’t been skating as much and tryouts will be here before you know it,” she says.

“Yeah, I should. Andthencan we go see the puppies?” he asks excitedly.

She laughs and wraps her arms around him again, leaning her head down by his. “Let’s see how the night goes. Oh, wait…how much homework are we talking?”

“Just one math sheet!”

She holds up her hand and he slams it into hers before we get to the car.

If I wasn’t crazy about her for how she makes me feel, the way she is with Owen would do it. The combination of the two is almost more than I can handle.

Felicity Shaw is dismantling my life one brick wall at a time and in a way that makes me want to yank my heart out of my chest and say, “Here, take it. It’s yours anyway.”

I’m just not sure what to do about it.

I know she deserves better than this, but I’m not ready to face the scrutiny we’d get if we were ever open about our relationship.

And I’m still not certain that she doesn’t deserve better than me, period. As hard as it is and as sick as it makes me to think about, I imagine her with someone like Penn Hudson, a young, successful guy on the cusp of greatness.

I didn’t miss the way he hugged her like he wanted there to be more, and I can’t help but believe she’ll wake up one day and realize that too. If not Penn, someone else equally as young and virile, someone who has a clear rap sheet that doesn’t include a difficult ex-wife.

Annoyed with myself, I start the car and head to Callum’s.

Felicity’s right here by my side, and I’m not going to let a day go by without enjoying the time I have left with her.




I should have known Sutton would be sexy on the ice. It’s just not right how good-looking that man is.

Callum and Ruby’s rink is the best of both worlds: we can skate freely without any other lessons in the way or other kids flying past, and we have unending entertainment as we skatewith the animals. A couple of the emus look at us longingly, like they wish they could ice skate more than life itself, and Dolly, the most outgoing of them all, does just that eventually. Ruby puts on music and skates out on the ice, and Dolly follows her, slipping and sliding, but managing to remain upright the whole time.