Page 110 of Stay

Whatever means I’m so proud of my brother and I drank way too many lemontinis—that’s what I am.

“I’ve never had that much to drink.” I rub my stomach as we go back to our suite to get our things. “And you kept plying me with food.”

“Because you had that much to drink,” Sutton says, laughing. He sobers quickly and gives me a sympathetic look. “Will you be okay on the plane?”

I groan.

We hung out long after the game ended, celebrating with Weston and the Mustangs fans. It’s late and the last thing I want to do tonight is get on a plane.

He goes into the kitchenette and comes back with crackers, cheese, ginger ale, and bottled water. Next, he finds the pain medication in his bag and sets it next to the food.

“Aw, for me?” I try to smile and his smile back is much more genuine.

“Are you okay?” he asks again, putting his hand over mine.

“You keep asking me and I can’t tell anymore if it’s because I drank too much or because I was upset this morning…”

“Both,” he says.

I rip open the package of crackers and eat a few before swallowing the tablets. I try to drink as much of the water as I can and don’t feel too bad. My tongue is numb and I can’t stop talking, but I don’t feel terrible.

“Hmm. Well, I’ll have to let you know about the hangover tomorrow. Do you know I made it through college without a hangover?”


“Or sad.” I laugh. “It might’ve helped to let loose a little occasionally. I did…just not with alcohol.”

“I’m glad I’m here to see it then.” He leans against the wall and watches me eat the crackers. “Would you rather we fly out early in the morning? Scarlett will still have Owen and will take him to school. I just have to be at work early.”

I’m already shaking my head. “No. We shouldn’t change our flight.”

”It wouldn’t be the end of the world.”

“I’m ready to go home.”

He likes it when I say that. I don’t miss the longing in his eyes, the way they lit when I saidhome.

“Are you sleeping in my bed tonight?” he asks.

My lips pucker and I lift my eyes up to the ceiling like I’m contemplating it and then look at him directly to say, “No.”

“No?” He frowns. “Why not?”

“In case I don’t wake up feeling my finest.”

“All the more reason you should sleep in my bed tonight.”

I shake my head and he looks like he wants to argue with me, but he doesn’t. I finish the crackers and cheese and take a few sips of ginger ale. Standing up, I toss the packaging in the trash and wash my hands before zipping my luggage and grabbing my purse. I tuck the bottled water in my bag and pick up the ginger ale.

“You look ready to go,” he says.

I nod and he takes my bag from me and grabs his, wheeling them toward the door.

“Thanks for bringing me, Felicity. I enjoyed our time here. I hope I didn’t wreck it for you this morning.”

I make a face. “I’ll try to just remember the orgasms instead.”

A loud laugh erupts out of him and we’re both laughing as we walk toward the elevator.