Page 109 of Stay

She giggles and picks up her empty glass and tips it in her mouth to get a drop out. “You kinda do.” Her eyes widen and she curses and then slams her hand over her mouth. “Whew, I would’ve owed Owen at least a dollar for that one. We’ve gotta go watch the game.”

I nod. “I thought you might want to, yes.”

She loops her hand through my arm and then drops it, lifting her finger. “We shall not have impropriety,” she says in that voice.

“Okay, if I actually sound like that, you have permission to punch me in the face.”

She laughs and grabs a lemontini from the tray that goes by. My eyes widen and she waves her finger back and forth.

I lift my hands up. “I’m not judging.”

“Very good.” She takes a deep swig and then holds it out for me. “Come on, try a sip. I think you’ll like it.”

“You’re making it look delicious,” I say, and she cracks up like that’s hilarious.

When she presses it to my lips, I take a sip mostly to space out her drinks.

“Right?” she asks, happily.

“Yes, you were right. I like it. Here, have some of this bacon-wrapped shrimp. It looks good.” I lift it and instead of taking it with her hand, she leans in and covers it with her mouth, her lips bumping into my fingers.

“You’re being very improprietous this evening,” she says, lifting the bruschetta up to my lips.

“Is that a word?” I take a bite and chew. “And I’m just trying to keep up with you.”

“It is now. The word works for you. Are you trying to keep up with me because you feel sorry for me?”

“What? No. Why do you say that?”

“You’ve been all cautious around me since this morning. I won’t break, you know.” Her eyebrows crease in the center and she eats the last bite of the bruschetta.

“I know you won’t break, Felicity.”

“Today was the day to own my truth and I did it.” She wipes her fingers with the napkin and lifts her glass in the air.

“Yes, you did.”

“I wish you had a glass to clink. Here.” She grabs another lemontini as the guy makes his way back from serving the rest of the guests. She hands it to me and I clink her glass.

Her smile is radiant.

“You’ve heard that women mature faster than men, right?” she asks.

“Oh yeah.” I laugh.

She nods and winks at me, clinking my glass.

“I can’t wait for you to catch up.”




My brother won the Super Bowl and I was almost too lemontini’d up to enjoy it.

Or I enjoyed it a little too muchbecauseof the lemontinis.