Page 106 of Stay

“I let Weston think that when he first heard that I was working for Judge Landmark and just never corrected anyone. I knew you wouldn’t love it if I was taking this time off of school to be a nanny.”

“Why are you doing this?” Dad asks. “No offense, Judge, but Felicity, if you just wanted a job, you could’ve worked at Shaw & Shaw or something closer to home. A nanny—” He laughs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

“I needed something besides law. Henley told me Sutton was looking for a nanny, and you know how much I love kids. And Owen is a dream child. It’s been amazing. I don’t have any regrets. It’s been the best thing I could’ve chosen.” I take a deep breath and Sutton smiles reassuringly at me, encouraging me to tell them the rest.

But then I look in the doorway and gasp. Everyone turns to see what has my attention and sees Zac and Autumn Ledger walking into our suite with an adorable little girl about Owen’s age. Ivy. I’ve heard a lot about her from Owen. Sutton smiles and waves at her, and she beams and waves back. And then I see Liam and Summer Taylor behind them. Wow. Jamison and Pappy come in last, smiling wide.

“I feel a whole lot of starstruck right now,” I say under my breath and hear Sutton’s laugh next to me.

“We’ll continue this conversation later,” Dad grumbles, but he’s perked up considerably since seeing one of his favorite NFL players walk into the room.

“Hey, I tried texting you a little bit ago, but the service isn’t great in here,” Jamison says, using sign language for Ivy’s sake. “Everyone wanted to meet you, Felicity.”

“Me?” I ask in surprise.

The women hug Sutton and smile at me, and the guys fist-bump him, before doing that bro hug thing guys do.

“We all know Sutton pretty well by now,” Zac says. “We had to meet the woman who…he trusts with Owen.” Zac’s eyes are laughing as he grins at Sutton, and holy star power.

I’m suffering from hot man overload. Jamison, Zac, Liam, and last but not even close to least, Sutton…my eyes don’t know where to land.

And I could swear they’re all looking at me like they think I’m Sutton’s woman or something.

It’s a good thing I told my parents about Owen.

The introductions begin and when Jamison isn’t signing, Zac or Autumn take over so Ivy always knows what we’re saying.

“It’s been too long since you’ve been in Landmark Mountain,” Sutton says when everyone’s met each other.

“Now that the season is over for us, we’ll be up there, don’t worry,” Zac says.

“You won’t find a bigger fan of your playing than our son, Weston,” Dad tells Zac. “And maybe this one.” He points at me.

My cheeks flush. “You’re all right,” I say, lifting a shoulder.

Everyone laughs and Autumn and Summer tell me they love my teal dress. Coming from the two of them who look like supermodels, I’m beyond flattered.

“I didn’t know until recently that you’re sisters,” I say.

“Yep, it’s just the two of us, but we’ve gotten into our fair share of trouble,” Autumn says, laughing.

“Speak for yourself,” Summer says, bumping Autumn’s hip. When they both laugh, the two of them look more alike than I’d originally thought.

Ivy puts her hand near my arm and I smile down at her.

“Owen?” she says out loud and then signs his name.

I wish so bad I could sign back to her, but I try to repeat what she did for his name.

“He wanted to see you so much,” I say, and Autumn interprets. “And he said to tell you to please come to Landmark Mountain soon. He wants you to meet the puppies.”

Autumn shoots me a look when I mention the puppies, but she signs it anyway, and then continues signing as she says, “Ivy has big ideas about those puppies.”

Ivy nods her head emphatically and we all laugh.

Ivy places her hand near her chest and moves it in a circular motion. I don’t know much sign language, but even I can tell that it’s the sign forplease.

We all laugh again and I tell them to hurry and come to Landmark Mountain. The puppies will need new homes. Autumn signs it all, but she keeps shooting me looks that have me cracking up.