Page 27 of Falling

She gasps and I turn quickly to get something out of the fridge as she starts talking a mile a minute. It’s a good thing I put on underwear this morning, is all I can say.

“I-I wanted to do something nice for you,” she says, shakily. “You’ve been so helpful, so I thought I’d get coffee ready and make breakfast sooner than yesterday—”

“Not necessary,” I say.

“Well, it’ll be ready in two minutes. You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want though…”

I close the refrigerator door and walk back down the hall to my room, cursing under my breath for the entire time I put my clothes on. When I come back to the kitchen, I see the scrambled eggs she’d been making in the dark and that there’s a full pot of coffee waiting.

Her cheeks are rosy and she seems unsure of what to do with herself. She looks too cute for words in her short shorts and the loose sweatshirt falling over one shoulder.

“Thank you.” I try to clear the gruff out of my voice, but it’s no use.

“It’s no problem,” she says, waving me off. “I’m sorry I caught you off guard this morning. I should’ve had the lights on.” She laughs. “I was using the flashlight on my phone.” She shakes her head. “I don’t always have the best ideas.” She laughs again. “Uh, Ithought maybe I could help you today. You could show me how to—”

“No need,” I cut her off. “You should relax, go back to bed. You normally up by five?”

She wrinkles her nose and lifts a bare shoulder. My mouth waters. I soldier ahead.

“Later, you could go into town and see the shops…or Scarlett could set you up with a ski pass.”

“Oh no. I’m not really in a place where I can—” Her voice fades. “Oh,oh! You need some space?”


“No, it’s not that. You’re not here long, may as well take a look around. See the sights.”

I’ve never saidsee the sightsin my life and I wonder if she can tell I’m talking out of my ass here.

She nods, but she seems nervous and again with that disappointed look. I’d feel bad if not for the fact that I can’t even walk around with morning wood in my own home.

“Thank you for breakfast,” I add.

“Of course. Thanks again for letting me stay here.”

I sigh and nod, scooping eggs into my mouth. It’s hard to be frustrated with someone who’s so pleasant.

“Would you mind if I took some video footage while I’m here? The animals, the scenery…it’s all so beautiful.”

“I don’t see why not.” I take a long swig of coffee. “Good coffee,” I say when I come up for air.

She smiles, pleased, and sips her hot tea.

I eat as fast as I can and am up and putting my plate in the dishwasher within minutes of sitting down. I feel her eyes on me as I put my boots and jacket on and nod before I go out the door, feeling immediate relief from the separation.

Going through my everyday rituals, I occasionally catch glimpses of her. She’s a flash of color that I don’t normallysee around here. Her hair is flying under a bright blue and yellow striped beanie with a white fluffy ball on top, and her outfit matches…tight blue leggings and boots and an oversized blue sweater. When she comes out pointing a Nikon at the cows and goats, Dolly at her side, I’m tempted to pull my phone out and take a picture of her.

Of course, I don’t. Too busy for that.

But she’s painfully distracting.

The animals are drawn to her like bees to honey, swarming around her. Many times over the course of the day, I hear her laugh bubbling out, and I want to go see what made her laugh, what she finds entertaining.

Of course, I don’t.

I work through lunch and ignore the hunger, choosing to chop wood instead. It has to be done, and a couple of hours working on this instead of eating won’t kill me. Ten minutes in, and I’ve shed my flannel. My arms burn with the exercise and I sweat through my Henley, tempted to take it off too. When I have a nice pile of wood, I drive the ax into a log and grab my shirt, wiping my forehead with it.

The sound of a click makes me turn and Ruby is there with her camera. She lowers it guiltily and grins likeOops, caught me. She’s surrounded by an entourage of my animals, looking like a honey-haired version of Snow Fucking White. She doesn’t seem fazed by it; in fact, she looks right at home.