Page 1 of Irresistible




I’ve only been here for a few hours, but I already like Landmark Mountain. The mountains surrounding the quaint town are unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and from what I could tell when we were driving in earlier, everything about this place is cute, from the shops to the restaurants to the little park with an old caboose sitting near the swings.

But the only reason I’m here is Sofie. I have missed that girl something fierce, and after hearing her talk about this place and Theo Landmark all these years and finally meeting Theo tonight, he proved that he’s exactly the kind of person I’d hoped he’d be with my best friend.

And this town might be just as great as Sofie described it too.

After Sofie and I made the grueling drive from Texas to Colorado with Dakota, my four-year-old daughter, the last thing I want to do is get back in my SUV and drive to the little market I saw on the way into town. Dakota and I fell asleep for about an hour after dinner, but then I woke up and realized I was out of medicine for her fever. She’s been sick for a few days and the doctor in Texas said it was a virus and to just keep her fever down. Sofie was on her way to bed when I came out of the bedroom and insisted I let her or Theo go to the store, but I didn’t want to interfere with their time together. Sofie’s got to be as tired as I am after making that drive with me, so I asked her to keep the monitor on in case Dakota woke up and said I’d hurry back.

I feel like I got hit by a cyclone, I’m so exhausted, but the night sky is gorgeous, the twinkle lights on the shops are idyllic, and there’s something about being 777 miles away from my soon-to-be ex-husband that is downright exhilarating.

If I’d been told yesterday that I’d be feeling so full of hope and optimism after finding Cash, myhusband, inourbed with Maggie O’Leary, the girl who’s been salivating after him for years, I never would’ve believed it.

It’s crazy what distance and a new perspective can do.

I should’ve left Cash a long time ago. It didn’t take distance or a new perspective for me to already know that much, but it’s now clearer than ever that I should have never married him. Being away from him is already making me a helluva lot lighter.

My sunglasses fall out of the windshield shade and onto the floor as I turn into the parking lot of Cecil’s, startling me. I jerk the wheel when I jump and the next thing I hear is a loudbangas the car jolts forward and back. I think I call on Jesus before cursing, but it’s all so fast, I can’t be sure which comes out first. My hands are shaking as I try to get my bearings and step out of the car.

The first thing I see is a tall guy in scrubs stalking toward me. He runs his hand through his thick hair, sending it into disarray that frankly makes him look even better than he already did.

No one should look this good.

But the rage on his face has me squaring my shoulders and bracing myself.

“What the hell was that?” He doesn’t yell. It’s more of a seething low growl. “I wasclearlybacking out.”

“I’m so sorry. My sunglasses—” I start. But the way he’s shaking his head and scowling at me sets me off. “You know what? It happens. You could’ve honked or something…”

“I could’ve honked? How could I possibly honk when you’re plowing into my rear end?”

My lips twitch with his choice of words. I try to hold back the maniacal laughter that’s threatening to burst out of me, but the way his eyes flare even hotter reels it in. I take a deep breath to say something calming, but he’s just getting started.

“Of course this is how this day ends. It fucking figures,” he mutters.

“Oh relax, it can’t be that bad,” I snap.

“Can’t be that bad, she says.” He brushes past me, scoffing as he goes.

Okay, now I’m annoyed.

“I’m so fucking done with this day,” he says under his breath.

I roll my eyes and turn on the flashlight from my phone, shining it on the damage inflicted on his shiny Lexus.

“Okay.” I exhale and try to keep from making a face. It’s not great. “Well…it’s a little dent and a pretty long scratch, but the good news is…I have insurance.”

He waves his hands in front of him, eyebrows lifted, in what I interpret as a sarcasticbig whoop.

“You know what?” My Southern accent kicks in a little more when I’m angry and tired, so it’s turnedwayon right now. “I’m really sorry I hit your car, and as I’ve said, my insurance will take care of it. I don’t see any reason why you have to be so rude about all of it, but you do you.”

“You do you,” he repeats, this time mimicking my drawl.

“Oh, you are so—” I shake my head.