Page 110 of Irresistible

“It’s nice to have one in the family,” Logan says, chuckling.

The sound of our feet crunching the fallen leaves is the only noise for a minute or two.

And then Logan clears his throat. “Speaking of nice to have in the family,” he says, all teasing aside now. “Thanks, man, for making my girls so happy.”

It’s too dark now to see Logan’s expression, but I suspect the lack of visibility is what’s given him more nerve to say this. He doesn’t usually talk like this with people he barely knows, and I’m grateful for the effort he’s making. And not that I needed it, but it validates my feelings for Wyatt and his for me, knowing that my brother was able to see it in so little time.

“I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about you from both Marlow and Dakota,” he continues, “and from what I can tell, you actually deliver.”

We get to the gondola station and are able to walk right onto the gondola, the sudden light shockingly bright.

“That means a lot to me,” Wyatt says gruffly.

His face is so earnest, it makes me love him even more.

“I love them,” he tells Logan. “And I promise you, I’m going to do right by them.”

“See that you do,” Logan says, but his words are softened by his huge smile.




Dakota’s asleep by the time we get to the condo, her head lolling and arms limp over Logan’s shoulders.

He puts her in bed and whispers that he’s heading out for a while, and Marlow and I tuck her in. Her eyes open when I bend down to kiss her forehead.

“Will you be here in the morning?” Her little voice is already groggy from sleep.

I look over at Marlow and she nods, her cheeks lifting with her smile. The difference in her from the past few days—and even just a little earlier this evening—till now isnight and day.

She looks so happy.

It kills me to think how worried she was about my reaction to her pregnancy.

“Yes, I will,” I tell Dakota. “Sleep well, and I’ll see you when you get up.”

Dakota’s eyes close, but she’s still smiling, and I shake my head, glancing at Marlow.

“She could ask me to doanythingfor her right now, and I would do it,” I whisper.

Marlow giggles and squeezes my arm as she puts her head on my shoulder. “She’s got you so wrapped,” she says.


“And I freakingloveit.”

I poke her in the side where she got me earlier, and she puts her hand over her mouth when she yelps. She points at Dakota, eyes wide, and then points at me, trying to ward me off.

And then she turns and takes off down the hall to her room, and I’m on her heels, tickling her when she’s within reach. I close her bedroom door behind us and turn her to face me, and she’s red from holding in her laughter.

“Do you have any slogans for letting out your laughter?” I tease.

“Shut it,” she says, laughing. “Just wait until our kids throw all your crazy words back at you.” She gasps slightly, and her eyes widen. “I mean, I’m not trying to assume that we’ll—”

“Marlow?” I pull her waist toward me and she lands against me with a thump.