Page 52 of Irresistible

Jerk never says bye either.

I head over to his house with his favorite beer—Laughing Lab—and get a call from Sutton as I’m pulling into Callum’s driveway.

“Hey, Wy. Got a sec?” he asks.

“Sure. What’s up?”

“I was just talking to Jamison about the flights for Vegas. I’ve had a change in my schedule. I’ll be able to pull off the weekend, but I need to be on the first flight back, and since we have to take two flights both ways to accommodate everyone, I’m calling everyone in the wedding party to see who’s able to stay a little longer and who’s able to come back slightly earlier than planned.”

“What are the options?” I ask.

“We’re taking two helicopters at eleven on Saturday, so all of us will get there that afternoon, and then some of us will come back Sunday night, the rest on Monday morning.”

“I’m off Monday, so I can come back then, but if most want to stay, I can come back Sunday night too.”

“Oh good.” He sounds relieved. “I saw Scarlett with April and Holly at Sunny Side this morning, and April and Holly said it’d be better for them to get back Sunday night too. I’ll let you know what I find out from everyone else.”

“I think Marlow took Monday off too, but you should still double-check with her.”

I wish I could ask him about the status of her divorce. It’s not my business…but damn, it’s at the forefront of my mind.

“I’ll call her next,” he says. “I need to talk to her anyway.”

I flick the beer bottles I’m holding and am otherwise silent, my ears perked for any Marlow news. What the hell is wrong with me?

“It’ll be nice to get away,” he adds. “I wish I could stay both nights. I need some time to chill…and time in a different state than Tracy. She’s beyond difficult right now.”

“You sound exhausted, man. What’s going on with Tracy?”

Sutton’s ex-wife is not a favorite of anyone in the family. She was difficult before he married her, but he didn’t see her true colors until it was too late. We should’ve tried harder to tell him how we felt about her, but we went the supportive route because it’s one of those things—telling someone in love that they’re marrying a b with an itch is a surefire way to cause conflict…

“I don’t know what her deal is. Maybe just the typical Tracy shit and I’m just not up for it right now. She’s always tried to make things as hard as possible for me, but it’s amped up over the summer. It’s all I can fucking do to have a conversation with her right now without her losing her shit, and for Owen’s sake, I just want to keep the peace. Work is chaotic. I need a fucking vacation. God, listen to me. I’m sorry. This is the last thing you need right now. You need a vacation as bad as I do.”

“No, you actually sound like you need it a lot worse. I actually just got to Callum’s—why don’t you come over and have a beer or two?”

“I wish I could. To make next weekend work, I need to work through this one. Thanks for listening to me vent. I promise I will be in full party mode by then. Count on it.”

“You be however you need to be. Everyone will understand.”

He chuckles. “You might regret saying that.”

“Nah. I’m here for you. And listen, it won’t hurt to get out this weekend too. Get some work done, but relax a little too.”

“When did you get so smart, little brother?” he asks. “Oh wait—you’ve always been the smart one.”

“Uh, no, I think you’re confusing me with Callum.”

“Wait a minute. You were supposed to say I was confusing you with myself…” He laughs.

“See? You should call me more. I already made you feel better.”

“Message received. Love you, Wy.”

“Love you, man. Talk to you later.”

He does say bye because he spends his days speaking with lawyers and judges and not goats and cows like someone else I know. I trudge up to Callum’s door, feeling eyes on me. I turn and jump when a cow is next to me, giving me a pointed look.

Callum opens the door and points to the cow. “Go, Irene. I have had enough of your shit today.”