Page 18 of Irresistible

“Brooke, we need to talk. Thanks for meeting me for dinner, but I need you to know…I’m only up for a friendship. You’re great and I enjoyed our time together…but I won’t be going back to the hotel with you.”




I wish I could’ve gone shopping before starting my new job, but there’s no time.

I wear an old green blouse and my trusty black Express pants and hope that it’ll be fine. I’m excited and nervous, more so than I ever was for a temp job. Besides waitressing at The Dancing Emu, which might have to be my next option if this doesn’t work out, I haven’t seen any other openings. Sofie is working on starting a horse rescue and it’s possible I could eventually help with that, but I need something that pays now.

I was surprised to see Dr. Wyatt out last night. I didn’t realize he had a girlfriend. She was nice. Beautiful. Blonde and legs for days. The two of them looked like they belonged together. I bet she never does stupid things like run into his Lexus and chew him out for his attitude.

No, surely not.

But that’s in the past. We’ve apologized, and working together is going to be just fine.

I hope.

I’m not even sure if he istechnicallymy boss. It sounded like I have a bunch of people I still need to meet and that he’s at least not the only one I’ll answer to. Hopefully Dr. Langley will be more of my point person.

I walk into the hospital ten minutes before I’m supposed to start, and Dr. McGorg is the first person I see. I thought Dr. McDreamy was hot onGrey’s Anatomy, but Dr. McGorg is…next level.

“Marlow,” he says. “Good morning.”

He’s not wearing his scrubs today but a nice button-down shirt, dress pants, and a white lab coat. It’s a toss-up which look is more striking on him, and I decide that’s not something I should be considering anyway.

I start to say his name back and can only think of the funny ones I’ve thought about him…

This is why nicknames are very bad.

“Mornin’,” I say.

He looks over my outfit and I wait to see if he has a comment. Cash always had something to say about what I wore. I was never dressed sexy enough for him or my outfit didn’t scream money like he wanted it to. He thought since I had money from my grandparents’ estate, I should use it to get a big house and wear designer clothes, and thank goodness I didn’t listen to him because I wouldn’t have been able to make this move and get away from him if I had.

“Helen isn’t feeling well today,” he says, “so she won’t be here to train you after all. I was hoping Pam or Linda would be here by now to walk you through a few things, but everyone appears to be running late or maybe with a patient. I’m not working in the ER today, so on days like this, you can page me here.” He points to his name on the list next to the phone.

I nod. “Great. I’ve worked in several offices, so it won’t take me long to figure out this phone. As long as I have an idea of who everyone is and their schedules, it should be an easy transition.”

He nods.

“Hey…” I flush and try not to show how embarrassed I am to be bringing this up after all this time, but I can’t just let it go. “You never called about your car. I’d really like to take care of that soon.”

“Oh, it’s fixed already. I handled it.”

“But why didn’t you—”

He shrugs. “Don’t worry about it. I had a friend fix it…Linda’s husband, you’ll meet her soon, if you haven’t already.”

“Well, just let me know how to reimburse you or…” I lift my hand, unsure of what to say.

He gives a slight shake, his lips lifting slightly. “It’s all good, Marlow.”

My cheeks flush slightly and I’m about to thank him or argue with him, I can’t tell which. I didn’t feel so bad when he just drove off that night, but now I feel bad that he covered the damage I did.

A good-looking guy in scrubs walks up to the counter next to us before I can say anything, and the cute nurse who helped me when I first brought Dakota in isn’t far behind him.

“It’s a slow morning back there,” the guy says to Wyatt.