Page 123 of Irresistible

Everyone says, “Oooooo.”

When I face Marlow, she’s radiant. Her cheeks are flushed, her eyes more green than hazel, and her lips a ruby red—when she cries, it’s like her features go into hyperfocus and everything sharpens.

“What are you doing, Wyatt?” she asks.

I’d be nervous if she wasn’t smiling.

“I know we’re a whirlwind. We have been from the start. But you said something last night that made me think maybe you’d be okay with this,” I tell her.

“I did?”

“You said that I make everything better and that you’d be happy anywhere as long as we’re together…”

She nods, her breath hitching. “Yes,” she whispers. “I meant that.”

“And since Dakota gave me her permission,” everyone laughs again, “and because I have been in love with you from the first time you argued with me,” more laughs, “it can be tonight or a year from now, but I hope you’ll become my wife. Please, will you marry me?”

Her smile is shaky as she says, “Yes.”

I slide the ring on her finger and she doesn’t even glance at it as she pulls me to my feet.

“Yes?” I echo.


“Yayyyy,” Dakota yells.

Everyone cheers, and I put my hands on Marlow’s waist and claim her mouth. I don’t kiss her nearly as long as I want to, because as soon as our lips connect, it’s explosive. Every part of me aches for her, and for a moment, I regret inviting the whole family here to witness this.

“I didn’t think this part through,” I say against her lips. “How soon do you think we can get out of here?”

“It’s a party,” she says, laughing. “I think we have to at least dance.”

“Instead of a dance, why don’t you follow me?”

“Uh, I don’t think we can sneak away to have sex,” she whispers.

“Damn. Okay.” I laugh and give her the quickest kiss.

Still makes me want to bolt with her, find a quiet place, and show her how much I love her.

That’ll have to wait.

“Everyone outside,” I yell, and there’s a loud cheer as I lead the way out the side door.

In the back of The Gnarly Vine, Jack agreed to my plan, as long as I paid for all the heaters. There are pillows and blankets spread out over the wood pallets we brought out and just enough light so we can see where we’re going. There’s snow on the ground, but the heaters are doing their job.

“How about that one?” I point to the blankets lined with daisies and lanterns.

“It’s so pretty. I can’t believe you did all this,” she says, her voice cracking. “I love daisies.” She laughs. “Especially with snow everywhere.”

We sit on the cushions, and I bring the blankets over us. “Are you warm enough?”

“Yes, those heaters are amazing. What are we doing?” She glances around and sees Scarlett and Jamison lying next to us on the pallet a few feet over.

Sofie and Theo are on the other side of us. Owen and Dakota are laughing with Grinny on their own cushions.

The projector starts andThe Notebookstarts playing on the screen.