Page 120 of Irresistible

Wyatt chuckles as he watches her jump a few more times and then she stops and holds both hands in the air.

“We’re having a baby,” she yells at the top of her lungs. “My Wyatt and my mama and me!”

The whole room stops abruptly, chatter ceasing, and their eyes follow the same progression: They look at her, then me, then Wyatt, and then my stomach.

Sofie clutches my arm and I turn to her and smile as she gasps.

Dakota presses her hand over her mouth and nods fast.

Wyatt chuckles, holding out his hand to me. I take his hand and Sofie’s and hold on tight to both of them.

“What she said,” I say weakly.

Everyone starts talking at once. Sofie hugs me first and then everyone’s surrounding us, hugging and congratulating us. My stomach gets patted a few times, and I remember how much I hated that when I was pregnant before. Strangers felt like they could just reach out and rub my belly, and my mom would tap it with her knuckles, saying how fat I’d gotten. But coming from this family who has done nothing but welcome me in, I love it so much. The joy and excitement over a new family member being brought into the world is infectious.

When the commotion slows down after a while, I wipe the happy tears from my face and feel like I can take the first full breath I’ve taken since I found out I was pregnant.

I won’t be doing this alone.

“Let’s let the poor girl eat,” Grinny says, her hand on my elbow as she leads me straight to the food. “How have you been feeling?”

“Okay. I’ve had a few queasy times, but mostly a lot of anxiety at first. I was so nervous about telling Wyatt, but he’s been…wonderful.”

His eyes are shining as he smiles at me.

“Well, I couldn’t be happier,” Grinny says. “This is the best news.”

“It’s about time we have a baby around here,” Sutton says. He puts his arm around Wyatt. “Have to say I’m surprised it’s coming from you though. I thought Theo and Sofie would be the ones throwing out the birth control first.”

“Yep. Same.” Callum nods.

“I was actually counting on them too,” Wyatt says, grinning at Theo. “But my swimmersdefiedprotection.” He puffs his chest out and then cracks up.

“Oh, we’ve got a virile one here,” Pappy says, pounding Wyatt on the back.

That makes everyone laugh and the brothers take Wyatt’s swimmers and run with that joke, getting louder and louder, while Scarlett and Sofie fill their plates next to me.

“I cannot believe you managed to keep this secret from me,” Sofie says.

“Only because you were out of town and Logan was visiting…and I was rocking in the corner, panicking.” I laugh and Sofie makes a face and leans her head on my shoulder.

“Don’t do that again, the whole panic alone thing,” Sofie says. “Need I remind you how fast I came running and got you here?”

“I will never ever forget the way you did that, Sof,” I tell her. I shake my head and blink fast. “And you were right about all the tears too.”

She laughs. “Just go with it. At least you’re a pretty crier. I turn red all over and you just get prettier…”

I snort and Dakota squeezes between me and Sofie to point out the food she wants.

“I’m so happy for you, Dakota,” Scarlett says. “You’ll be the best big sister ever.”

Dakota nods. “I’m gonna take her everywhere I go.”

“Her…” Sofie says, grinning. “Are we thinking it’s a girl?”

“Yes,” Dakota says.

I laugh. “She’s saying it is, and I really don’t know yet.”