Page 116 of Irresistible

“If you want me to, absolutely. I’d rather be the one to do it than let anyone else touch you. Rumor has it I’m the best doctor in the hospital.”

“There’s that cocky doctor I remember so well,” she says, laughing.

“I make sure I’m available to do it when any family members come through here,” I tell her.

“Aw, that’s sweet. Yes, please. I want you to do mine.” She lays back and watches as I prepare everything for her ultrasound.

Fortunately, it’s quiet around here and Emma didn’t ask any questions when I told her I needed to run a few tests on Marlow. Even though we’re doing things backwards, I make sure we have her insurance on file and fill out the necessary paperwork to dot the I’s and cross the T’s. Waiting to do an ultrasound when she’s farther along would be better to see more, but if it puts our minds at ease, we’ll do as many ultrasounds as necessary. I think we’d both be more comfortable knowing how far along she is.

Once everything is ready, I reach over and brush her hair back, suddenly nervous. “Depending on how far along you are, we might not see much today. We’d see more if we did a transvaginal ultrasound, but I’d rather not do that just yet. Just…try not to worry if we don’t see much.”

She nods, her fingers twisting. “I’ll try.”

I put on a new pair of gloves and smile at her. “This shouldn’t be too cold,” I say as I put the warm gel on her stomach and then press the transducer over her skin.

I’ve rarely done ultrasounds, so it takes me a little longer, but I pause and grin, as I measure the diameter of the sac. My hands shake slightly as I stare in wonder at the screen.

Oh my God, I’m going to be a father.

I clear my throat. “Wow. All of this feels different knowing it’s ours.”

I exhale and look over at Marlow through blurred eyes. I think hers might be the same way. I take another deep breath and turn back to the screen.

“This is the yolk sac and it’s about ten millimeters. Based on everything I’m seeing here, I’d say you’re around six weeks.”

“Six weeks,” she whispers. “So…would that be…”

“A summer baby.”

We share a grin before looking back at the screen.

“I’m only seeing one sac, so no twins for us this time.”

She laughs. “I can’t imagine two at once, so that’s probably good.”

I make several scans and then point at the screen. “It’s too soon to see, but this is the first stage of the embryo. In a couple weeks, we can try to listen for the heartbeat…if I can wait that long.” I laugh.

“Does everything seem…okay?” she asks.

“Yes. So far, Baby Sweet Pea is looking good.”

“Baby Sweet Pea, huh?” She grins.

“Would you rather have a different name?”

“Baby Sweet Pea is good. It’s a nice gender-neutral term of endearment. I approve.” She exhales and stares up at me. “This is really happening, isn’t it?”

I set the wand aside and clean the gel off of her stomach, leaning down to kiss her while I’m at it.

“It really is,” I whisper, getting lost in her eyes.

I take off my gloves and kiss her again, stopping before I try to have my way with her on this table.

She takes my outstretched hand and sits up, looking dazed.

“You feeling all right?” I ask.

“I feel…incredible,” she says. “And really stupid for waiting to tell you. Are you okay? Do you feel better now?”