Page 105 of Irresistible

“I know. And it’s not that I’m not thinking about it,” I admit. “But the last thing I want to do is scare her off.” I point at him and then Camilla. “Behave.”

Camilla salutes and Blake just grins, but I think I got the message across.

Dessert passes without any theatrical visits from the two of them, and we’re leaning back in our seats, talking about how delicious everything has been, when Marlow suddenly stiffens.

She clutches the table and then says, “Oh,” as she clutches her hand over her mouth and bolts.

“Where’s Mama going?” Dakota asks.

We turn and she’s already out of sight.

“She probably just needed to use the restroom,” Logan tells her.

Dakota nods. “Sometimes I have to go really bad like that too,” she says.

“I’ll go see about her.” I stand up and smile at Dakota. “Maybe you can talk your uncle into taking you out to see the lights.” I point in the direction of the deck with the best view. “It’s really pretty from the overlook,” I tell Logan.

He nods and they get up and walk outside while I go stand outside the bathroom. When she doesn’t come out for a few minutes, I knock on the door and stick my head in. She’s sitting on a long velvet-tufted bench, elbows on her knees and head in her hands.


Her head pops up at the sound of my voice, and that’s when I see how hard she’s crying.

“Marlow, what’s wrong?” I rush toward her, sitting down on the bench next to her and putting my arms around her.

She turns her face into my neck and cries so hard, she gasps for air after a few seconds. She smells like peppermint candy so strong, I think she might have a piece in her mouth.

“Breathe, baby,” I whisper. “Please…tell me how I can help.”

She tries to catch her breath, and I pull back, wiping her tears away, only for more to spill down her cheeks.

“You’re breaking my heart,” I choke out. “We can work through whatever it is, okay? Just talk to me.”

“I’m so sorry,” she says between her sobs.

I’m terrified for her, for myself, for whatever she has to tell me.

“Just tell me,” I say. “Are you sick?”

“N-no,” she gasps.

“Are you breaking up with me?”

Her brows crease and she laughs but then cries harder, eventually crunching on the peppermint. “No, I’m scared you’re going to want to break up withme.”

“I can’t imagine why.”

“Because I’m pregnant.” Her breath hitches after she’s said it and the words hang in the air, suffocating my airwaves, as she stares to get my reaction.

Her expression is devastating.

“I…I thought you hadn’t been with Cash in at least a year,” I say hoarsely.

Her mouth drops. “I haven’t.” She waits a beat and when I don’t say anything, she puts her hand on my elbow. “Wyatt, the baby is yours.”

My hands are still on her face, and I lean back to get her in better focus.

“What?” My voice shakes.