Reaching around, he grabs my ass and urges me to move faster, and I gasp, “I’m close, Billy. Oh, God, I’m so close!”

Crying out my pleasure, I just want more. Everything I’m feeling is so heightened and I don’t know if it was the words I wrote for him, or the actual act, but everything about him is lighting me on fire right now. “Make me come! Please!”

He grabs my hips and slows my movement, chuckling as I narrow my eyes at him. “You’re going to come in ten seconds. I’m just preparing you.”

He pulls me close, trapping my clit between his thumb and forefinger, and kisses me deep. “You feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock, Adley. Now, fucking break me.”

He rubs my clit firmly between his fingers, moving from my lips, down my neck where he bites my nipple, and I scream out at the overwhelming sensation, and then he’s shouting his own pleasure, grunting his release as his cock throbs inside me.

He works me until I stop moving and I fall forward against his chest, my head resting on his shoulder. His hand strokes up and down my back soothingly, and he presses his face against my neck, “I’m so fucking in love with you. Everything you’ve given me, there’s no way to repay you.”

“It’s not about repayment, Billy. Just be the best man I know you can be. That’s all I want.”

“I’m going to be the best daddy there is. Just you wait.”



Snapping on my belt,I grab the keys to my patrol car and head out. I’m working a double today to ensure I’m off for tomorrow’s party, but first, I need to check on Billy.

He avoided me for two days, and I’ve been working, so I didn’t get the full scoop on what went down until I got home, and Farrah filled me in. But I could feel him.

It’s a funny thing with twins, especially now that I’m home and settled, I’m in tune with him again. My thoughts have cleared, and I can feel that connection again, just like I used to.

Knocking once on his door, I try the handle and when I find it unlocked, I walk right in, announcing my arrival just like he does when he comes into my home. “Your brother is in your house! If you need to put clothes on, do it now!”

“Didn’t I tell you to change the locks, Ad?”

I snort. “You’d actually have to lock the door for that to work, brother.”

Bill comes from down the hall, throwing a t-shirt on as he walks closer to me. We do a quick handshake and hug, and he nods to the kitchen. “Want a coffee before you go in?”

“No, I’m good. Cash is back at the station on desk duty, but we made it his turn to buy, so I don’t want to disappoint him.”

“Speaking of Cash, I saw his truck parked outside of Angelina’s house last week. It was pretty late for him to be there.” Bill begins to laugh. “I sent him a text asking if he was out late babysitting.”

I join in his laughter as I reply, “I’ve so enjoyed giving him shit about her. Hunter was asking questions though, so whatever he’s doing, he better get his act together soon.”

I fall into the chair, looking at Billy as I ask cautiously, “How’s everything over here?”

“It’s good. Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t check in-”

I hold my hand up, stopping him from apologizing further. “It’s fine. Sometimes we need to work this shit out alone. I was working anyway. Farrah filled me in.”

He laughs. “I bet she did.” He leans forward in his chair. “You getting used to the hardware, brother?”

I frown. “Hardware? I told you; I’m not piercing my dick.”

“I don’t know, Tommy. Farrah may thank you for it.”

Adley enters the living room, walking straight to me, and I rise from the chair, giving her a quick hug and kiss then I turn back to Billy and whisper, “I don’t need hardware to get my woman off.”

Adleytsksme and smacks my arm, so I ask, “How are you feeling?”

She walks over to Billy, and I watch his eyes track her every move. They glance at her belly as she stands beside his chair, and he absentmindedly lays his hand on her stomach, and pride for the man I see standing in front of me rushes through me.

“I feel good. We’re actually heading to the doctor now.”