“He’s my biggest help!”

I laugh knowing she’s right. Dom was the key that saved Chelsea and Adam’s relationship, and he continues to be quite a force in the family. “I’ll still be here with you.”

Her eyes widen and she grabs my arm as she exclaims, “Oh, my god! And you!You’remy biggest help! And now you’re going to have your own baby!”

“What’s one more, right?” My heart flutters, just imagining all these babies. “We can put Cecelia and Eliana in Kandy Kane Kids. Farrah will take them on. Don’t worry.”

“Speaking of those two, while they’re napping, I want to show you the new nursery.”

We enter the newly decorated nursery for the next set of twins and each sit in a rocker. The neutral colors are mixed with splashes of pastel blues and pinks. It’s really beautiful and will match personalities no matter what they have. Chelsea immediately puts her feet up on the glider in front of her and I pull my legs up close to me.

We rock for a minute in silence.

“This room turned out great.”

“Adam did a good job.”

“He’s a good dad, Chelsea.”

“Yea. He is.” She studies me quietly for a moment and then asks, “Wanna tell me why you’re so tense right now?”

I swallow down the words I never thought I’d say, repeating it in my head over and over because it still doesn’t seem real.

“I’m pregnant.” I whisper in an attempt to make them sound less shocking.

“I know that, Ad. I was there, remember? Don’t tell me you have pregnancy brain already,” she says with a smirk then rolls her eyes even as tears run down her face.

“Why are you crying?” I ask incredulously. “It should be me that’s crying!”

“Because! You’re my baby sister! I never thought this day would come.”

“Me either.”

“Tell me why you’re upset,” she prods. “I understand this wasn't part of your plan, but a baby is a blessing.”

I sigh and sit back in my chair, and my hand automatically goes to my belly, but I quickly remove it. “It wasn’t ever in my plans.”

“But why? Adley, we’re not there anymore. And look at how well you’ve done with my kids. You'll be an amazing mother. Don’t let our parents bullshit deter you from what you deserve!”

“It’s not really that. I mean, it was for the longest time because I swore I wouldn’t get stuck like she did. But how do I say this? It’s Billy. He’s going to really push for marriage now and-”

“Why do you keep telling him no, anyway?”

“It’s become a joke now. He expects it.”

“But he keeps asking because he’s hoping you’ll say something different one day.”

“Maybe one day I will.”

“Adley, come on.”

“What? This wasn’t supposed to be all this. It wasn’t supposed to go past one night.”

“You don’t believe that,” she replies firmly. “You were just as taken by him that first time, too.”

“Yea and our next first time.” It still lingers that he wasn’t really present for our first time together. It still sits in my mind that I wasn’t memorable, that he chose a vice over me.

It still lingers that his habit won out and though he tries, he just can’t remember that night at all, whereas I, think about it every day. I think about our words, our touches. I think about how I lost my necklace that night and he knew enough to keep it, searching for its owner.