“Oh! Fuck, Adley, it’s so good!” I grab her waist and thrust inside her quick and hard, pumping everything up inside her, and just like that, all negativity drains away, and I’m left with just her. I’m left with this amazing woman who loves me.

She falls forward, draping her body on mine as we catch our breath. “How was that?”

She giggles. “It was good.”

“Just good?”

“Better than good.”

“Good enough to marry me yet?”

She groans at my persistence. “Keep trying. I’ll let you know when it’s good enough.”

I pinch at her sides and slap her ass cheek, and she laughs. I’m still inside her, and her pussy grips me with each giggle. “I love this part,” She says on a sigh as she strokes my previously injured shoulder. “Your sweaty body suffocating mine, like I wasn’t working in hundred and ten degree heat today.”

She pokes me in the ribs and I wince and then laugh as she pokes me again, but then I wrap my arms around her and roll her to her back, blanketing her with my body as I say, “There. Much better.”

“Okay, okay,” she yells breathlessly. “I get it! You’re hot! And heavy! Get off of me!”

“Don’t like it when it’s done to you, huh?” I press a quick kiss on her lips and then roll to my knees on the floor. “Come on, let’s shower and go to bed.”

** *

“Ad? You awake?”

I drag the back of my hand up and down her back, her soft skin like fire under my touch, and she presses closer and whimpers, so I say “Can you tell me again? About our first time. Help me see it clearly.”

She turns toward me and lies across my chest, watching me as I touch the charm on my chain, the same book charm I found that next morning, and I had no idea who it belonged to. I knew that night was pivotal for me, I just couldn’t remember why.

“What do you want to know, Bill?” She whispers, sadness shining in her eyes.

I push the hair from her face, allowing it to fall down her shoulders and back. “How many times did I make you come that night?”

“Always looking for praise, aren’t you?”

“Okay,” I say with a laugh. “No numbers. Just tell me how I made you see stars.”

“Billy!” We both laugh and she gives me a patient look, but I know this is hard for her, that it hurts her to think I didn’t realize it was her that night. But I did. Deep down I knew the woman that night was sent to me.Madefor me. It was a feeling so deep and true it scared the shit out of me.

“I remember asking you to marry me,” I say quietly. “I think that’s where this little game of yours to constantly turn me down started.”

“It’s not a game, Bill.” She says as she moves to turn away from me, but I stop her, and reply, “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m just trying to tease you, is all.”

She narrows her eyes but lies back down on my chest, so I add, “I’ve never asked anyone that. I never thought those words would ever leave my lips. And there they were, announcing their arrival with you within a few hours.”

“Seems a bit out of the ordinary.”

“Love usually is.”

She plays with the charm again. “I can’t believe you still have this.”

“I haven’t been without it since that day. It carried me through all the crazy bullshit. It saved my life.Yousaved my life. I may not have known it was you, but I knew whoever it belonged to left an unexplainable imprint on me. I would never feel the same until I found her again. You gave me a piece of you without knowing how important it was.”

“I didn’t know if I could do it,” she whispers, a slight quiver in her voice.

I know what she means. She didn’t know if she could give me that second chance and step into another relationship that was broken before we even got started. “Seeing you like that, it had me replaying so many nights I already went through as a kid. I wanted to be there for you, but there were so many unanswered questions for me.”

“Like what?”