“I do know that. And I also know Adley wants and needs freedom. She won’t be tied down even though we’re together. It doesn’t make sense to me, since we’re already basically living together, and we do everything as a couple, so there must be something I’m not giving her.”

“I don’t think so, and you need to stop thinking that way.”

“You’re the owner of House O’Love. Dad gave it toyou. Tom is the military hero. Jackson is the NFL superstar. Francesca has her own company. Hell, even Bobby and Britt are faves. Who am I? I just do what I’m told. The person to call for jokes and a good time. I’m thirty-three and I’ve still got no direction.”

“You’re the heart of this family, Billy.”

I scoff at his words and wipe more sweat from my brow.

“What is wrong with you today?” He looks closely at me, squinting at me disapprovingly. “Did you get drunk last night?”

I push him away and throw my hands up defensively. “So what if I did? You think it’s okay that Jackson wants to move our sister across the country?”

“Is that what this is about? Jesus, Bill. You can’t get drunk because one of our siblings wants to better themselves. It’s not up to us to tell them how to live their lives.”

“You all do it to me,” I say angrily.

I’m breathing heavily, trying to get control, but I can feel it slipping.

He watches me silently and then says,“We’re helping you because we love you. Not because you can’t do things on your own.”

I scowl at him but say nothing as I wave my hand at him dismissively, but then he asks, “Where was Adley last night?”


“She’s on a deadline, so she wrote at home last night.”

“I’m beginning to think I need to sell that house. Leaving it open gives too many ways to hide.” He puts his hand on my shoulder, and I drop my head unable to look at him, so he goes on, “I know you feel things so much more, Bill. That’s the best part of you. But please don’t go back there. Things are going to change. It’s inevitable. Especially with a family our size.”

“This is your fault, then. You just keep making it bigger.”

He barks a laugh and flexes his arms. “When ya got it, ya got it!”

I give him a playful shove, and he pushes me back but then he grabs me and pulls me in for a hug, clapping me on the back. “Don’t spiral. Call me. Call Cash. We’ll go harass Vincent.”

Shaking my head, I laugh and reply,“Vincent. He’s no fun to harass anymore since he went and got himself a girl. And for an old guy, he did pretty well.”

“And I know way too much about their sex life.” Adam replies with a shudder, then he laughs. “But listen, you have people here waiting to give you what you need. Especially your woman. Get Adley to give you one of those stellar blow jobs.” I pull back in shock and he laughs again then smirks. “You don’t think she talks to the girls? From what I hear, she and Britt share the same level of TMI.”

I walk back to where I was measuring the floor before he came in, and he follows. “Listen, about Jackson. We don’t even know if it’s true yet. Let’s not freak out for no reason. Besides, we’ve got other things to worry about first. This anniversary party is going to come up fast. Don’t drop the ball and expect me to pick it up.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Come on, let’s get this done and get out of here early tonight. We can both use a break.”



I’m keyedup and need a release. My body is detoxing from the night before and after the talk with Adam, I can’t get to her fast enough, but I can’t go home fired up, I need to slow it down or she’ll think something is wrong.

Which there is, but it’s impossible to explain when I’m imagining all the wrong things, and I don’t even have confirmation yet that there is a thing.

She sent me a message earlier that she’d be at my house tonight, and I’ve been on edge ever since. Because I need her.


It’s not that I don’t understand that she needs quiet time away from her sister and the babies because I do. And I also know she needs the quiet to write, so when she spends a lot of time helping Chelsea, then she skips days with me and ends up at her house to write. But I miss her, and those nights where I’m alone usually lead me to trouble.