I began reading romance stories when I was in junior high, sneaking them from my mom’s shelf. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and I only had to skim the chapters before I learned a few things. I was popular because of my name, but I became even more popular because I knew how to treat women. I mimicked what I read in those books and for a time, that made me highly sought after.

“Happy endings with smut are my jam,”I say with a laugh.

They both chuckle at my joke and Dad waggles his eyebrows as he says, “Mine too, Billy.”

I groan, taking my to-go container from Mom.

I snatch the book off the table as I head out, figuring I’m long overdue at seeing what a happily ever after looks like to those who are still looking for it.



We’reat Moose’s tonight, celebrating Adam’s birthday. As soon as Steve left for work, I packed my bag and laptop and headed to be with my sister. It’s really becoming a habit.

I should just move here.

After our girls’ night I thought long and hard about staying with Steve. I've decided to end it, but his work thing keeps delaying my conversation with him. I don’t love him and why waste that love when there is someone else who deserves what I can give?

Now, I’m not saying I love Billy because I don’t. One night doesn’t equal love, and I know we may never be there since I don’t know him like that, and despite my pull to him, I need to be realistic.

I also need to love where I’m at first before I take on a new relationship. And maybe that’s my issue with Steve. He may not be that bad of a guy, but because I’m in a state of unrest, I can’t focus on building us together. He thought a ring would fix things, but I know better. It wasn’t done out of love.

Once Steve learned I was in Christmas, he promptly cut short his work thing and came to me. It left me with a ton of thoughts.

Did he really have a work thing?

Does he miss and want to see me?

Or was he jealous I was in Christmas with my sister and the Casanovas?

And now I know more than ever that I need to end this, but I can’t do it here. I won’t ruin Adam’s birthday, and I won’t bring my drama to Chelsea, which means I’ll have to stick it out for one more night. We’ll go home and once we’re there, I’ll end it.

“Everyone, listen up!” Billy jumps up onto a chair and claps his hands to get everyone’s attention. He’s mesmerizing in a small-town boy way, standing out in loose fitting jeans and a t-shirt that accentuates his biceps. Biceps that I’ve held onto while he thrusted inside me. “Thank you all for coming tonight!” He scans the crowd and then smirks as he adds, “Looking good, looking good, ladies!”

In true Billy fashion, he plays the playboy part to a tee. It makes me giggle every time because he’s so corny, but he’s so lovable and handsome you can’t help but fall for him. It’s why he’s got quite the following, and also why they never seem to be mad at him.

Billy scans the crowd again, and when he stops on me, I brace myself. “Adley! There she is! You going to give me a chance yet, or what?”

I groan inwardly. ‘If he only remembered the chance I gave him’.Steve’s grip on my waist tightens to the point of pain, and I wonder if I just said that out loud. “Ow!” I pull away from him and he drops his hand without looking at me.

“Anyway, thank you all for showing up for my brother tonight. I know he’s a pain in the ass and most of you are here just for the free drinks, but I do appreciate you showing face.” He laughs and dodges to the left as Adam throws his hat at him. “Still no aim! No wonder you’re back home instead of with Jackson in the NFL!”

The crowd booms with laughter, and Adam flips him off, but laughs at his antics.

“That guy is a fucking douche,”Steve says beside me and I roll my eyes in response.

“Just stop,” I hiss. “He’s going to be family, so be nice.”

“He’s not going to be my family.”

I scowl at him. “My sister is going to marry his brother. Of course, he’s family. “

Steve shakes his head, his lips twisting as he responds, “Yours, maybe. Not mine.”

Annoyance flares instantly, his words only solidifying my decision to end things with him.

“Raise your glass to Adam!” Billy shouts exuberantly. “And to the real star of the night, his girlfriend, Chelsea! You’re an amazing woman and I can’t believe Adam found someone who will put up with his shit.”