He holds the bottle and shakes it. “This?” His sly smile gives him such a boyish charm. “I’m going to drink it.”

He raises a brow as he comes to his knees over my waist again, his thick cock pulsing against my stomach through his boxers as he says, “And so are you.”

He tips the bottle back and takes a swig before placing it on the table, then he leans over me. With his free hand he traces my lips, pulling the bottom one down and slowly dribbles the shot into my mouth. I take it willingly, swallowing quickly as he covers my mouth with his, the alcohol mixing with our lust, the drink cool against our hot lips.

He kisses down my neck to my collarbone, and then over to my shoulder where he slides the strap of my bra down. Sitting up, I reach behind and undo the clasp, his eyes silently cheering me on, eagerly awaiting the show.

He takes more of the tequila, almost to the point of guzzling as he watches me slip my bra off, and then I sit unashamed in front of him, my gold necklace being the only item I’m wearing.

“Goddamn!” He takes another gulp and I pull the bottle from him, placing it on the bedside table. “You’re perfect. Adley, you’re fuckingperfect.” He pulls me close, palming one breast and cupping my cheek as he kisses me again with fervor. He speaks against my lips, “I need you. I’ve waited too long. I knew the minute we met I wouldn’t be happy until I knew every part of you.”

Pushing him from me, I slide back a bit and come to my knees, and when he reaches for the bottle once more, I place my hand on his.

“Bill. Let me take you to a different height.” He pauses, raising a brow, and that famous smile breaks free as I add, “No more tonight. I want you to remember this. Me.” I whisper out the last word.

“How could I ever forget you, Adley?”

Our eyes hold each other in place. He’s so handsome with his dark hair mussed and his lips pouty from our kisses. My sister’s words ring freely in my mind, about his drinking and reminding her of our dad. I don’t want to go there right now. I don’t want to feel like I’m walking into another trap. My attraction can’t be denied, I want more. I want to know so much more.

I trail my finger down his chest, adding pressure and pushing him flat on his back. Prowling over him, I rub myself along his chest as I drift down his body. He reaches for the bottle on the table once again, and I raise my brow at him.

“Just one more shot.”

“Why? You don’t think I can distract you from it?”

He settles back down, throwing his arms behind his head and placing himself on display as he closes his eyes. “Do your best, woman.”

Snickering to myself, I hum my approval. “Oh, Billy. Hang on tight.” I slide his boxers off and then stroke my fingers around his hard cock, teasing him as I say, “You’re beautiful.”

He laughs. ”Did you just call me beautiful or my dick?”

“Don’t be so crude.” I feather my hands over him and his cock jumps at my touch as I run my fingers up and down his length. “Feels to me like I must be doing something right.”

“You did it all right. The minute you walked into my life.”

I take him into my mouth, all the way to the back of my throat inone sweep, and the way he twists the sheets in his hands tells me all I need to know. I swirl around his tip, kissing, licking, then take him back in, long and slow before pulling back, sucking as I get to the tip again.

“Relax, Bill.” I say coyly, running my hands up and down his chest as I get comfortable between his legs. Continuing to lick and suck, I worship him, letting him know how much I enjoy doing this, how much I want to please him like my next breath. I want him to see how natural it is, to have one person to be absolutely at ease with. To trust.

Because he makes me feel I could be that one for him.

And who’s the one for you, Adley?

A low rumble of a moan pulls me from that thought. Knowing I’ve worked him to the extreme, I grasp him at his base, the other hand rolling his balls, squeezing and slightly tugging, I bob up and down, my hair brushing along his thighs with every downward slide and letting him hit the back of my throat. His hips buck with every touch and I take him in completely and pause. Feeling his cock pulsing, I pull out again, sucking tight at the tip, but before he can take control, I swallow him down again, causing a suction that makes him shout. I gag at his size, spit running down my lips and chin.

“Adley! Christ!” He’s breathing deep and I hum around him. “Do it again. Please.”

Quite proud of myself, I work him again a few times before I repeat the swallow then pull back at his low groan, signaling he’s about to blow, I kiss his tip. “You ready, Bill? You want to come in my mouth?”

I speak low, confidently, and he threads his fingers into my hair, looking down at me as I snake my tongue out and flick it over him. “Watch me.”

Taking him all the way in, tears run down my cheeks, spit runs down my chin and when he explodes I keep him deep, taking all he’s giving me, sucking with each pulse of his cock.

He shouts and groans with pleasure, the awe on his face sending a jolt of pleasure through me.

Lying there beneath me, he pants for breath and then turns wide, wild eyes on me as he says, “Marry me. Right now! We’re flying to Vegas! I want whatever you just did to me to happen for the rest of my life!”

I laugh him off. “You’re not ready for all that, and you’re definitely not ready for round two.”