“I know. Listen, we won’t stay long, but I have to make an appearance, okay?” I want to tell her she can go, but I have a feeling I’m going to need a buffer tonight if I have to spend it watching Steve and Adley.

Stepping away from Grace and Angela, I break into my circle of family. “I’ve suddenly lost my appetite. Billy, what the fuck?” Britt pops her hip and I have to stifle a laugh when Bobby wraps his arm around her. She’s been my sister's best friend since elementary school so nothing she says surprises me.

I look over her head and speak to Bobby. “Bro, control your woman.”

“You know there’s no controlling her.”

Nodding, I lock eyes with Britt. “We won’t stay long, B.”

“You can stay as long as you want. She’s the one who has to go!” She raises her voice with that last sentence, and I step closer to her.

“B, please don’t start tonight.” I glance at the rest of my family, hesitating when I see Adley. “It’s been a rough few days.”

She looks behind her, then back at me. “What’s with everyone bringing around douchebags?” Chuckling, because I know exactly who she’s referring to, she cuts me off. “I mean, seriously. You’re both with the wrong people. Throw the trash away and snatch her up, Bill.”

My heart stutters. For the second time, I’m explaining that there’s nothing between Adley and me. Sure, she’s been more of a thought than anyone else has ever been, but nothing happened between us that would make my family think we had something going on. “It’s not like that with her and me.”

“Well, it should be. Get on it. Use your Casanova charm, William.” She winks and gives me a quick hug. “You heard from Tom?”

Taking a breath. I shake my head, entirely sick of these questions tonight. “No.”

She runs her hand down my arm and takes my hand. “He’s going to be okay, and he’ll be home again before you know it.”

Nodding, I’m suddenly desperate for a drink. “What’s a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?”

Cheers go up as Al walks over with a tray just in time, and we all grab for a beer, lightening his tray and once it’s empty, he slides it under his arm, and claps me on the back. “Hang in there, Bill.”

Downing my beer quickly, I place the empty on the table and reach for another. Grace and Angela are by my side, but I wish I was anywhere but here. Adam catches my eye and nods at me. I tell the girls I’ll be right back and move toward him.

“Grace? Really? You know how Chelsea and the girls feel about her.”

I shrug and reply, “Quick fix.”

“Bill. You’re not this guy.” Adam says with a disapproving look.

I match his condescending tone. “Adam. I am this guy.”

He shakes his head at me. “You’re not. You’re mom. I don’t know why you act like Hugh Heffner.”

I laugh at his reference to the ultimate playboy. “I’m not Hugh. First, I’m not one hundred and twelve years old. Second, mom? How am I mom? Playboy and mom in the same sentence? Don’t ever do that again.” I shiver and take another long pull of my beer.

He gives me a nudge. “What I’m saying is, yes, you’re always down for a party,like mom,but you’re not a ‘love them all’ type guy.” He uses finger quotes around the words, ‘love them all’ and I smile against the beer bottle. Yeah, our mom is a lot of fun, and she and I are exactly the same person. “You’ve got a good heart in there.” He knocks my chest. “Save it for the right one.” Adam met Chelsea and knew she was the one for him. I know he wants each of us to feel that, too, to see someone and just know it’s right.

Desperate to get out of this heavy conversation, I finish my beer and search for another. “When you’ve got skills, word gets around. I can’t disappoint the ladies, brother. Don’t hate that I’meveryone’sfavorite.”

He rolls his eyes at me as the same fight we’ve had for years surfaces. My brothers and I always made Mom pick. Was it right? No. But we each loved to do it to rile up the others. She humored us, always telling each of us when we were alone, that we were her favorite and to ‘not tell the others’.

But I know better.

And so do they.

“You’re sealing your own fate by bringing her around. If you want a chance, ditch the side jobs.” Adam elbows me and walks away. I watch as he moves to the other side of the table, wrapping his arm around Chelsea. She’s talking to my sister, but without looking, melds into his body, like she just knows it’s where she’s supposed to be.

I want that.

Watching them for a moment too long, I glance around and see Adley watching them as well. Then I notice Steve is nowhere in sight. As if she knows I’m looking, her eyes meet mine and they scream out, ‘notice me! I’m here!’

Fuck. I fucking see you, Adley.