“Jesus,” Chelsea complains. “Both of you knock it off!”

“Don’t be a hater, sis,” Adley replies without remorse.

Adam steps in. “I think you guys better just cut this cake.”

Snickering at him, I lean across the top of the bar and grab the knife from under the counter. Placing it on the cake, I wait for Adley to cover my hand with hers. “Ready?”


We make the cut and then a second, pulling the triangular piece apart, revealing the pink cake inside.

“Ahh!” Adley screams and I grab the piece of cake, holding it up. “It’s a girl!”

I kiss her and hold her close as everyone cheers. “How lucky a king am I? I get a queen and a princess to take care of.”

“Oh, my god.” We all look Chelsea’s way and I see the look of dismay on her face. “My water just broke!”

“What? Chelsea!”

“Adam, get me to the hospital now. These babies aren’t going to wait!”

In a matter of minutes, everyone has scattered from the bar, and Adley and I are left to lock up.

“Are you ready for that?” Adley asks as she rubs her hands up and down my forearms, soothing me.

“You mean that crazy psycho nonsense she came in with? Or the babies?”

Snickering, Adley brushes the hair from my face. “Both, I suppose. Wait until I’m huge and miserable and yelling at you for even looking at me.”

“I’ll be your punching bag. It’s fine, I can take it.”

She pulls me to the bench seats, and we sit. “I’ve been thinking of some names.”

“Yeah? Tell me.”

“Don’t laugh. And don’t say no right off the bat. I want you to think about it because I think it’s perfect.”

Tilting my head to the side, I take her in. She’s absolutely stunning, but pregnant? She glows. “Hit me with it.”



“No, I want to name her Billie. B-I-L-L-I-E.” I immediately shake my head, but she stops me. “Just listen! Billie means determination and strength. She’d get two of her best attributes from her dad.”

She studies me as it turns over in my mind. “I don’t know if the town is ready for another Billy Casanova.”

“It better get ready. Because she’s going to take the world by storm, just like her dad.”



Quietly,I tiptoe from the second nursery in my house, after finally getting all four girls to sleep. I haven’t a clue how I got here, dad to five, but I’m living the dream. One sleepless night after sleepless night.

Chelsea has been a rock star, and I honestly don’t know how she does it, even with her sister being here a lot, and also Farrah and my mom. It really does take a village.

Grabbing a water bottle from the fridge, I sink onto the couch in the living room. The house is quiet.