He runs to the side of the room and turns on some soft music, and I turn to Al and take his hand. “Would you do me the honor?”

His eyes tear and his lip trembles as he nods. “Of walking you to my favorite Casanova? You bet I would.” He winks, and he pulls me in for a hug. “You’ve got a good one, Adley. Thank you for saving my boy.”

A throat clears, and the wedding march begins, and we slowly make the twenty-foot walk to my future, and I couldn’t be happier.

Al grabs hold of Billy when we complete our walk and the two of them hug as quiet sobs fill the room. Al steps back and stands beside Janet and Frank, while Billy grabs hold of my hand, and we take our place in front of Tom.

“You’re going to get it when we get home,” Billy whispers under his breath.

“I sure hope so.”

I see him take a steady breath, getting himself under control as Tom begins to speak. “We’re gathered here today, because my future sister-in-law is sneaky as hell.” Laughter floats through the room and he waits for the room to go quiet before continuing, “When she came to me with this plan just two days ago, I thought she had officially lost her mind. But like any good woman does, she just told me to trust her, and it would fall into place. Looking around, I’d have to agree she knew what she was doing.”

“This isn’t the Tom Show,” Billy jokes impatiently. “Can we get on with this?”

“You’ve been waiting thirteen years for her. You can wait another few minutes.”

“That’s what you think.”

More laughter erupts around the room and Tom gives Billy a snide look and says, “Okay, big shot. I’ll let you go first. Hope you’re good on the fly, brother. Let’s hear those vows.”

I should have known these two would have battled for the spotlight, though I know Tom is only doing it to get a rise out of him.

“Watch and learn, pal.” That famous Casanova smirk breaks through and he turns to me, his eyes shining as he says, “Adley, I’ll admit I’m shocked at what’s happening right now, but don’t doubt for a second that I haven’t thought about this moment for years. That Ihaven’t practiced what I would say to you over and over in my head, praying for the chance to say it out loud.

“In a world where I was consistently wrong, you’re the one thing I got right. Thank you for standing beside me. Thank you for loving me enough for both of us, at a time when I couldn’t love myself. I promise every day will be better than the last and together we’ll get through anything that comes at us. You’re my queen, and I’ll be sure to prove it to you every day.”

My eyes sting with unshed tears, and I clear my throat, squeezing his hands as I respond, “Billy, I don’t think you realize how important you are to everyone in this room. It was my only wish that you’d see it, that you’d see yourself as the man I saw. The one hiding behind the party. The one man I was waiting for all my life before I knew how much I needed him. You showed me bits and pieces along the way, letting me know you’d accept every part of me that I gave you, just as I accepted you. I was never whole until you fixed my broken pieces, and together, our pieces create a whole.” I take his hand, placing it on my stomach. “Together, we created the best parts of each other, and I can’t wait to see you step into the role of husband and dad.”

“Well, I guess I was wrong. Billy, I’m impressed.” Tom laughs, and the room laughs with him.

“I love you so much,” Billy whispers.

“I love you, too.”

“Are we ready to make this official?” Tom asks.

“Do the damn thing, bro.”

Chuckling, Tom pulls two bands from his pocket, holding them out to each of us. Billy picks one up, inspecting it. “Where did you get these?”

Mrs. Casanova steps forward. “They’re actually the bands your dad and I got married in. I put them away in my jewelry box a long time ago, saving them for a day like this. I knew one of you would need a ring on the fly and somehow, Billy, I figured it might be you.”

The brothers laugh. “Hm, shotgun wedding after all, huh, Bill?”

Billy just laughs and goes along with the jokes. “However we have to get there, let’s get there. Tom? Move it along.”

The traditional vows are spoken and repeated, rings are slid on, and then Tom says, “By the power vested in me by the State of Texas, I now pronounce you husband and wife! Kiss your bride, Bill!”

Whoops and hollers go up, cheers and clapping as the music hits and Billy kisses me for the first time as my husband.

“Mm, was that different from the others?”

“It sure felt different, didn’t it? Just wait until tonight.”

We rejoin the party and celebrate the night away, and the biggest speech came later in the night when I got to thank Mr. and Mrs. Casanova during their anniversary speech.

Because without those two falling in love, none of this would have happened.