“They can keep it, too.” Adley says with a shiver. “That is not a title I want to take from my sister.”

The doctor smiles and grabs our chart. “I’ll see you again in four weeks. Stop by the front desk and she’ll give you another appointment. Congratulations again.” She steps out the door, closing it lightly and I help Adley wipe more of the gel from her belly before assisting her to a sitting position.

“Is it wrong that I’m turned on right now?”

She slaps my shoulder. “You’re always turned on. Stop it.”

I move closer, running my hands over her breasts, gently cupping them. “Your tits are already bigger, Adley. Fuck. How am I going to make it another six months?” I brush my thumbs over her nipples, and she sighs. It’s quiet but I hear it. “Hm. You’re turned on, too.”

She pushes my hands from her body and steps down from the table. “I’m one giant hormone right now and you’re touching me. What did you think would happen?”

“I know what’s going to happen the moment I get you home.” I nip at her neck and she tries to dodge me, skipping to the door. She giggles as I chase her out into the hall where we run into a couple turning the corner.

“Oh, I’m sorry, excus-” I freeze when I realize I know this couple.



My eyes are wide. I can’t believe I’m seeing what I’m seeing. Cash and Chief Hunter’s daughter are standing in front of us, shell-shocked, as we stare back at them.

“Are you…” My question lingers, and Adley smacks my chest.

“Well, it’s going to be news now. Billy and I are pregnant,” Adley announces, speaking quickly, yet there’s still an awkward moment as Cash and Angelina congratulate us both.

Angelina and Adley speak of due dates and morning sickness, and then Adley checks her watch, and says, “I’m so sorry. We have to run. You know, last-minute party preparations for tomorrow. We’ll see you then, right?”

She hugs them both and pulls me down the hall and before I know it, we’re in the car and pulling into our driveway and I murmur, “No fucking way.”

I put the truck in park and turn to Adley as she turns to me, eyes wide with excitement. “Now that’s a fucking secret if I ever knew one!”

“Why are you so happy? Hunter is going to rip his dick off and beat him with it!”

She laughs and opens the door, jumping from the truck. “Don’t be so gross!” I follow and make our way inside. “I’m happy because the two of them looked happy. I’m sure there’s going to be drama, but did you see their smiles before we ran into them?”

“He’s had that smile for months. She must be giving it to him good.”

“Billy!” She yells at me again. “Not everything is about sex!”

I wrap her up close to me. “Have you met me? Everything is about sex.” I kiss her neck and she laughs as I tickle along her ribs, knowing it makes her squirm every time. “In fact, I remember promising you a bit of it when we got home.”

“Just a bit?”

“Just the tip, you say?”

“Bill!” Her laugh makes me fall more in love each time. It feels likean absolution of all the shit I put us through. She’s carefree and light and exactly what I knew her to be.

“I want you to fly, Adley. The woman I have in my arms right this very second is the one I met all those years ago. That wild nature, grab life by the balls, girl.”

“I didn’t want to fall in love, Bill. But you made it hard not to.”

“Okay, now you’re just teasing me.” She frowns in confusion and I scoop her into my arms bridal style and she yelps. “Hard, Ad. You make it hard.”

She lays back in my arms, head hanging loosely and her arms to the side. “Do what you will, Bill. I’m yours to have.”

We both laugh as I roll her into my chest and take her to the bedroom.