His eyes shine with emotion as he pulls me close and says, “I can’t believe it. We’re having a baby.”

“Thank you for my ring.”

“Ad," he replies softly. “I’m sorry for doing that.”

“No, I get why you did it. I needed to see to understand.”

“I won’t ask for more. When you’re ready, we’ll talk about it. Together.”

“No, I want to start planning,” I say with conviction, determined to put my fears to rest, once and for all.

His eyes widen as he asks, “Yeah? You want to really do this?”

“I mean, we can’t live in sin forever, right?”

He tickles my ribs and rolls me to my back, covering my body with his, and we settle in, fitting against each other perfectly. “I love to sin with you.”

“Mm. Me, too.”

Since I’ve already spoken to Janet, I know we won’t be living in sin much longer because Saturday’s party is going to be more than an anniversary party.

I smooth his hair back and kiss his forehead. “I wrote something today. Do you want to read it?”

His smiles rather smugly. “You know that’s my favorite fantasy. Let me read it to you, baby.”

He lets me up from the bed and I walk to the desk, gathering the few pages I printed out today and returning to find he’s already stripped off his jeans and pulled his shirt off. I laugh as I say, “A little presumptuous of you, Mr. Casanova.”

That smile I fell in love with all those years ago, graces his face and he wiggles his fingers, beckoning me and the pages I’m holding closer. “You know what I want. And with my ring on your finger now, you’ll be lucky if I get through the first paragraph.”

Straddling him, the shorts I’m wearing ride up my thighs and my nipples are already poking through my tank top. He’s right, we may not make it past this first page.

With one hand, he holds the paper up while his other rubs up and down my thigh. I make super slow circles with my hips over his and dust my fingers over his chest. He clears his throat, glancing between my face and the page.

“Something’s happened today that’s going to change our lives forever. After the initial shock, I realized everything happens for a reason. This may not have ever been a thought in our minds, but someone had a bigger plan for us. A big change that will only hold us more accountable. To each other, our family … and to our baby.”

He looks at me, eyes once again shiny. “My fantasy isn’t to cry, Adley.”

Smiling, I encourage him. “Keep going. It gets to where you want it, don’t worry.” I bear down on him the slightest bit and his eyes flare,and he reaches out and tweaks my nipple before laying his hand back on my thigh.

“I go to the bedroom, waiting for him to follow, and lay the first picture of our baby on the dresser. He enters the room and I spin around, hiding the sonogram from sight.”

‘Hey there, darlin’. You look extra gorgeous today.’ Brett makes a beeline for me, wrapping me in his arms, rocking us back and forth. He’s warm to the touch and his hold feels like a safety net.

‘Thank you, honey. I feel extra gorgeous today.’

‘Yeah? Could it be my touch that makes you glow?’

‘I’m sure that’s part of it.’ I stand on my tiptoes, capturing his lips. His hold becomes tighter as his hands work their way down to my ass, squeezing and kneading. He bunches the fabric of my dress up in one hand, while letting the other roam over my skin. His touch is electric and with this baby inside, his baby, I’ve never been so turned on.”

Billy taps my thigh, and I come to my knees over him. He adjusts himself and then slides his boxers completely off. His thick cock, with the piercing just for me, lays against his stomach, waiting for my touch.

“Adley. You better take everything off but that ring.” His voice is hoarse, and I giggle at his insistence.

“You still have no patience.”

“Not when it comes to being inside you.”

I squirm around, slipping my shorts down my legs and he watches my every move, and when I pause, he raises a brow, and I bite my lip to keep my smile at bay. Slowly, I grab the bottom of my shirt and raise it over my head, holding it out to my side for a moment before dropping it to the floor. The page he was holding floats to the bed as he reaches out with both hands, cupping my breasts and flicking my nipples.