I wave the pack around then freeze with my hand in the air as I notice the second pack behind it, and my heart drops.

“Get me my phone,” I choke out, and Chelsea scurries out, coming back quickly and handing it over. I scroll to my calendar and see thereminder to order my next ninety-day prescription. The reminder that readsthirty days ago.

Stunned, I blink as the timer on Britt’s phone rings, signaling the test is ready, andI collapse onto the bed as I exclaim, “Oh, my god! Don’t look at it! Just. Wait. Just don’t look yet.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I didn’t miss days. I missed awhole month,” I say quietly, tears sliding down my cheeks. “I missed a whole month! How did that happen?”

“Ad, you’ve been so busy. Your life is moving so fast, you’re always helping me, you’re writing constantly, and you’ve been staying in two different houses. It’s very easy to lose a routine.”

“But it’s more than just a routine. This is our life now! I just messed everything up!”

“What are you talking about? You didn’t mess anything up! We don’t even know if it’s pos-” Chelsea tries to comfort me, but Britt cuts her off.

“It is. You’re going to be a mommy, Adley.”

“Britt!” All the girls yell her name, and my tears flow harder.

“What?” Britt asks. “She’s gotta know. We all need to know.”

Chelsea sweeps me into a hug and rocks with me on the bed, whispering, “Congratulations, sis,” and I cry harder.

“This is not something I ever pictured happening.” Taking a deep breath, I steady myself. “Are you sure it’s positive? This is a very dangerous game you’re all playing right now.”

“Yup,” Britt answers, showing me the stick with two pink lines. “Another Casanova baby is coming.”

I’m stunned. This is all happening so fast that I can’t process it. My heart thunders in my chest, and the crazy train of thoughts are coming in full force.

Can I do this?

Am I too old?

Do we have room for a nursery?

Will Billy want to disrupt his house to rebuild?

Will Billy be happy?

“He’s going to push for marriage even more now.”

Francesca runs her hands through my hair. “You don’t have to get married right away. Hell, you don’t have to get marriedat all.”

I shake my head. “You don’t understand. He wants to get married because Bill needs constant chaos. It’s controlled chaos, but it’s there. Why do you think he works two jobs? He drives Adam crazy on purpose to cause a scene because Adam bites every time. Then he works in a bar, knowing he has dependency issues, because it leaves him in a constant state of fight or flight. It’s all about the adrenaline rush.” I pause, taking a breath before adding, “Now he’ll want to add a wedding. More kids. He’ll want to renovate the house!”

“You’re spiraling, Adley. I think you’re making a problem where there isn’t one.”

“Bill needs to learn to be happy with Bill. It seems he’s not happy unless he’s looking for more. What’s behind door number two? Is there something better out there?”

“Adley,“ Chelsea interrupts. “Those are your worries, not his.”

I shake my head in denial, but she grabs my hands and speaks firmly. “I’m going to give you some tough love right now, so listen up. Our home life sucked. Our dad was a jerk and mom wasn’t a good role model. But look around. We’re not there anymore, and we haven’t been in a long time. We’ve got a great life, Adley, with lots of amazing strong women.” She touches my cheek gently, urging me to look at her. “I know this is a shock because it wasn’t in your plan. But plans change and we need to change with it. Right? Isn’t that the word of this family around here? Change?”

I lean into her side, and she wraps me in a hug, my head leaning on her shoulder. “Change and redemption.”

“Take back.” Farrah states.

“Free.” Britt echos.