** *

Some time later, I wake to find my sister standing next to me, and I sit up, exclaiming, “What’s wrong? The babies?”

She smiles, her hand resting on my arm to soothing me, as she says, “No, Farrah text me that you weren’t feeling well, so I’m here to check on you.”

Propping the pillow up behind me, I lay back and notice Farrah, Britt and Francesca also in the room. “What’s going on?” I ask slowly, my brain working overtime.

“Everyone is fine. Don’t freak out.”

Glancing at them all, they look fine. In fact, they’ve all got expectant smiles on their faces.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?”

“We have something for you,” Chelsea says softly, which annoys me for no real reason.

“I hope it’s cold and flu medicine otherwise get out.”

“How do you feel right now?” Francesca steps forward and sits on the other side of the bed. I pull the sheets higher, noticing I’m still wrapped in my towel.

Taking a moment to gather myself again, I actually don’t feel as bad as before. “I’m fine. Could everyone leave so I can change? I’m still in the towel from my shower.”

Britt grabs Billy’s shirt and a pair of boxers that are folded on the dresser and tosses them to me. “Great idea. Go get dressed and take this with you.” She takes a bag from Farrah and tosses it on the bed, too.

“Britt! Don’t freak her out!”

I grab the bag and look inside, immediately narrowing my eyes at the contents. Anxiety zips through my body, and my stomach drops, and suddenly, the urge to throw up returns, full force.

Britt chuckles. “There it is! I bet you looked like that this morning, too.”

“What the hell is wrong with you guys?” I retort, throwing the bag to my sister. “Is this a joke? You take it from the stock you keep in your home?”

I climb out of bed and grab the clothes, walking to the bathroom, and slamming the door. Leaning against the counter, I study myself in the mirror, hearing them talking about me in the bedroom.


Taking a slow breath in and blowing it back out, I pull on the t-shirt and boxers, giving myself a moment before finally throwing the door open and meeting their grinning faces on the other side.

Britt holds the box with a raised brow. “Humor us.”

I snatch the box from her then slam the door and stand against it holding it in my hands. I’m thirty-four-years old. I’m not old, but for someone who never thought they’d get married, let alone have a baby, that’s old. And if I am pregnant, I’d actually be thirty-five when the baby is born.

Holy shit.

Okay, first things first. Don’t freak out. Just take the test.

Opening it, I don’t need to read directions, having done so many of these with my sister. I pee on the stick, place it on the counter, wash my hands and then go back into the bedroom and wait.

The girls stare back at me.

“I’m fine.”

“Why don’t we wait another three minutes before you say that,” Chelsea mutters.

I wave my hand dismissively and reply, “I’m not pregnant. I just had my period…” I trail off because actually I don’t remember when I had my period last. I’ve been so wrapped up in this book I think I’m losing days.

“Hmm. Exactly,” Britt says with a saucy smile. “And if I know anything about this family, you’re having sex on the regular. In fact, I know you are because you share details as much as I do.”

A nervous laugh escapes my lips as I murmur, “But I’m on the pill and…” My words trail as I think back on how responsible I likely have not been, and then I run back to the bathroom and grab the pack from the shelf, seeing the ring is almost full. “It’s only the first week of the month. I haven’t missed any days.