“Chels, he’s so in love with you. And clearly, he loves your body if he keeps knocking you up.”

She lets out a wail, louder than the two babies earlier, and the tears fall. “I can’t do this again!”

I grab Cece from the changing table and then pull her in for a hug. “Youcando this again. Your hormones are screaming at you, I get it, but you’ve got to take care of yourself. Speak words of life, Chelsea. Stop talking yourself down. You’re an amazing mother and sister and wife and it’s all going to be okay. You’ve got a bigger team workinghere for you than Jackson has on that field!” She cracks a smile and I hold her tighter. “You’re not alone.”

“You’re never alone when you’re a Casanova,” Billy’s booming voice travels down the hallway before he enters the room. “And you’ve hit the family jackpot, Chelsea!”

Chelsea groans and I chuckle. “He’s not wrong, ya know. There’s so many of you now, there’s no getting away!”

“Don’t remind me!” She sighs, squeezes me once more and whispers, “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. I’m doing what a sister is supposed to do.”

“There’s my two favorite girls.” Billy’s lips twist into that smirk and he winks at me and heads straight for the babies.

“You better rephrase that, Bill.” My sister warns.

“I said my favoritegirls.I’ve only got one favorite woman, and you know it.” He picks up Eliana, then grabs my hip and pulls me in close to him, kissing me quickly. “How was your day?”

He’s only got eyes for me and it’s sweet. This is the Billy I knew was underneath it all. I saw it years ago when he didn’t want to see it for himself. The one I knew was inside, but he kept covered with dates and women and extracurricular activities.

We’re each holding a twin, rocking back and forth, soothing them and us.

“How was work?”

“It was good. Dad came down, and we ganged up on Adam. The day isn’t complete until I can rile up my brother.”

“Leave my husband alone!”

“I should tell you that, Chelsea. Leavemybrother alone. Look what he keeps doing to you!”

She flips him off and leaves the room.

Chuckling at his words, we stand even closer, each with a baby in hand. “Either she won’t make it or Adam won’t make it.”

He laughs. “It might end up being one of us. I feel like we’re with these kids more than they are.”

Nodding, I inhale Cece’s baby smell. “Are you going to the bar tonight?”

“I am. I can’t say no to Al. He’s looking so tired lately. I’m kind of worried.”

“I know. He looks like he’s losing weight, too. He’s not talking?”


We’re silent for a moment, just rocking the babies, standing together in this room.

“It’s been three months, Bill. And still no paperwork.” I don’t look at him, but it needs to be said. Al said he’d sign everything over, but Billy won’t take it, and if he doesn’t want it, then there no point in continuing to go in. Which makes it feel like a red flag to me. Like he doesn’t trust himself to take it on fully. It’s a step he needs to take, though. Grab that responsibility and nail it. Accept the change and grow with it.

“It’s been a year and no paperwork, Ad!” I roll my eyes at his attempt to change the subject. “Come on, let’s beat Tom and Farrah to the church.”

“Billy! No!” I slap at his chest, and he gives me puppy dog eyes as I exclaim, ”I am not doing that to my friend or your brother. Now stop. We’ve talked about this.”

“You’vetalked about this.”

I narrow my eyes. “Are you really trying to fight with me right now? While we’re holding our precious nieces? You want them to know you’re pressuring me?”

He laughs. '“You only string me along for book inspiration. Isn’t it usually the woman begging and not the man?”