Long dark hair. Green eyes. Teasing whispers all night long.

I reach back into my pocket and rub the chain with the tiny charm I’ve been carrying with me for six months.

All those thoughts come together to form one obvious conclusion.

She’s the one I’ve been dreaming about, the one my heart knew to search for.

And now I’m about to lose her.


Three hoursinto this party and I’m living in my own private hell. How on earth do I let this angel marry that asshole?

She’s meant to be mine.

"Bill, slow down," Chelsea says, swiping for another bottle that someone placed on the table. Everyone’s drinking, eating, and having a grand old time while I sat there, stewing in my memories.

I had a one-night stand with the woman of my dreams, and I can’t remember it. The memories are few and far between, a feeling here and there, a sense of déjà vu. But that necklace. I’ve carried it with me, knowing it’s important but not knowing why. It gives me a sense of peace when I touch it, letting me know for one night, at one point in time, I had it all.

This entire scene should be enough to wake me up, enough to sober up, to not make the same mistake twice. But it just proves I’m that much of a fuck up, a disappointment, because all I can think about is getting high right now. I’m drunk, and I need to fuck this chick out of my system. And the only way to do it is with a bit of coke to carry me through the night. I’m antsy now, watching the clock and wondering how much longer I have to sit here before I can bolt for the door.

A hand lands on my arm. “Billy. What’s going on?” Chelsea sits quietly next to me. It wouldn’t matter if she yelled it though. This room is chaos. Whenever we all get together, it’s crazy.

Turning to her, my anger gets the best of me, and I snap. “Are you mad your little sister beat you to it? My brother is a real jackass.”

She snickers and shakes her head. “Stop trying to derail this conversation.” She leans in close. “I’ve been watching you all night. Something’s up. And as your future sister-in-law, I’m allowed to be nosey. Now, spill.”

Eyeing her, my hand grasps my beer bottle. My words feel jumbled and I should be very careful with what comes out of my mouth right now. But I’m way past the point of caring. “I think I’ll make a toast toyour sister.” I stand, grabbing for a new beer, but knock it over. “And Stan.”

“His name is not Stan. Billy. Wait.” She pulls on my arm to sit down, quickly cleaning up my spill. “Now is not the time. Talk to me. Tellmewhat you’d say.”

“Now’s the perfect time, Chels. Before it’s too late.” Scanning the room, I feel my rage blinding me. It’s getting hard to focus and I want to lash out.

“Before what’s too late?”

I give her a dull look. “Don’t let her marry that guy. He’s not good for her.”

“Why? What do you know?” Shrugging, I pull at the label on the bottle. “Billy. It’s me.” She leans in close. “Tell me.”

“I saw him out a few months back.” The confession rolls off my tongue.

“How long is a few months?”

“I don’t remember. About six months.”

She watches me, clearly sifting through her own thoughts. “Is that when you were texting me? Where was he?” Her voice drops and if looks could kill, I’d be slumping from my seat right now.

“Just a little no name bar outside of town. Was weird he was down here.” I recount the day as best I can, but the thoughts aren’t clear.

“They broke up around that time. He moved out.”

That’s news to me. “Why? What did he do?”

“She found text messages.”

My gut churns. I could kill him right now.

“Was he with someone else? At the bar?”