Some things really are too good to be true.

The baby of the Casanova family has a drug problem and no one’s the wiser.

And it won’t be me that becomes the savior.



Rolling over,my head feels like a bowling ball on my shoulders, and my mouth is so dry that when I try to swallow, I cough. My body aches, but differently than if I had worked all day.

I pat the bed next to me, finding it empty but the sheets are rumpled. I lift my head, wanting to die as I look down at my naked body, so I drop my head back and shut my eyes as I search my memories for a thought. Anything to remind me of last night.

I was at a party.Shots.I was dancing on the table.Shots.I was playing bartender for the night.More shots and a quick trip to the bathroom.

Shame fills me as the memory of being in the bathroom comes back to me. I have no idea when drugs became a thing for me. Sure, I dabbled as a teen, who doesn’t? But a party drug here and there wasn’t a big deal then. Once Tom left, I found myself spiraling. I had nothing to keep myself busy besides work, and no one to monitor my behavior.Adam could give a shit about me. I’m nothing but a thorn in his side. Another issue he has to solve.

If Adam found out I was dealing with my problems by sniffing them up my nose, he’d kill me, ensuring I never have another problem again.

It’s not a habit. Not really. I do it when I need to forget, when I party, or when I need an extra kick. Now I’m wondering what happened last night that I needed to forget, or what I needed the kick for.

Long, dark hair brushes my thighs.

Memories crash through, but I can’t get a hold of them. The ringing of my phone pulls any thought I may have with connecting the dots. DAD flashes across the screen.

Taking a breath and trying to sound like I’m not dying, I answer.

“Hey, Dad!”

“Bill. Where are you? You were supposed to be down at the site an hour ago.”

His tone is thick with anger.Fuck.

“I’m sorry Dad, my alarm never went off and-”

“I know you were out last night. You better call your mother, call a taxi or jog your ass down here in five minutes or, son or not, you’re fired. I need someone towork, William. Someone dependable. Get here. Now.”

The line goes silent and I know he’s hung up on me. I scrub my face with my hand and force myself out of bed. Coming to an upright position, I hang my head, ignoring the way my stomach rolls, and steady my hands on my knees. Torn condom wrappers are strewn about. A nearly empty tequila bottle sits on my bedside table, but a sparkle catches my eye, the light gleaming off something on the rug. I bend to pick it up and almost topple over.

“Jesus, Bill. Get it together.” Letting the chain fall through my fingers, I rub the small book charm attached to it.

Flashes of laying on the football field filter through my mind.

I lay it on my bedside table, heading to the bathroom. After a quickcleanup, I pull on my jeans and tank top, praying my mom answers the phone and agrees to drive me to work.


“How did I get home last night?” I wonder out loud as I grab a beer from my fridge. Slamming it down quickly, I chase it with a gatorade and head out to face the music with my dad.



6 months later

“Adam, what are we doing here?”

Francesca loops her arm with mine as we meet on the sidewalk outside of the Italian place in town. “Yeah, what’s going on, big brother? Are you setting yourself up to propose or what?”