Page 8 of Hero

“I’m going to need a drink.” Silas groans.

“But it’s only one o’clock in the afternoon, honey,” I say looking at the clock on the wall.

Silas marches off into the kitchen.

“Pour me a drink too. We’re celebrating.”

“Me too,” I chime in.”

Mrs Draven takes my hands and we sit on the couch. “Now tell me everything.”

And as requested, I tell her about learning that Harvey was cheating with my sister, Silas interrupting the wedding ceremony at the right time, and my falling for him instantly. Except, I spin it into a tale where we fall madly in love with each other.

Silas takes his sweet time to bring us our drinks and when he arrives his mother is breathlessly excited.

“I never knew he was so passionate, but I guess when you know you’ve found the one you know,” she says. “We are having a family dinner tonight, I would really like you to come.”

Silas and I answer together. He gives a resoundingnowhile I chirp a happyyes.

We chat some more as Mrs Draven finishes her drink and then she gives us another round of hugs before leaving.

As soon as Mrs Draven leaves, Silas closes the front door and turns to me.

“My girlfriend?” He folds his tree trunk arms.

“You helped me and I got you into this mess so I thought I could help you out,” I reason.

“And you ended up digging us into a deeper hole. I can handle Mom. Finding a woman for me is her secret pastime. She likes nothing better.”

“And what about the town folks?” I ask. “She made it sound like you were Frankenstein’s monster or something. I expect a crowd to show up knocking at your door with pitchforks.”

He smiles, flashing mouthwatering dimples that make my stomach jig. “I doubt Thunderpeak’s residents are the mob type.”

“Okay, fine. Well, I was trying to help. I know what it’s like to be rejected by the people who you trust and who are supposed to protect you.”

“Do I look like I need protection?” he asks.

Silas is a wall of muscle who looks like he’s trained to kill at the drop of a dime, but the gentleness and care he has for his mother shines through.

“No, but even you might need someone to have your back sometimes.” No one deserves to be made an outcast because they don’t fit the mold.

“Fine,” he smirks, gray eyes twinkle, indulging me. “What’s your plan?”

“You need to be seen with me in public, let people think we’re a couple. We’ll go to your dinner so your family gets to see I’m a real person and not a hired actress.”

He chuckles. “Fine. If it gets Mom off my back for a few months then I’m in.”

His huge hand cups mine, swallowing my palm as we shake on it. And once again, my body responds instantly. What’s with this thrill of excitement shooting through me?

It’s him. Me.


His eyes blaze a trail down my body, leaving me scorched with his gaze. I want to fan myself when I notice his eyes dance with an idea.

“What are you thinking?”

“That you look really good in my shirt. I want to parade you around town in it.”