Page 68 of Veil of Fate

My heart pounds.Bosses and mercenaries – sure – but everyone else?I glare up at him. “There are innocent people that go to the Underground for nothing more than a good time,” I shout.

“They are all fair game,” he shoots back. Several of the Royalists on the Council nod in agreement. “Going into the Underground is against the law. Break the law, and you’re aiding criminal activities.”

“We want our streets cleaned up,” one of the Royalists barks down to us. He’s a large man dressed in a pressed gray suit. His head is shaved, the sun’s rays bouncing off it.

I exchange a look with the Evercore sisters. They want to win this as much as I do, but there’s an understanding here. No more innocent blood will be shed. Not on our watch.

“We will do what’s necessary to protect the Heir,” the woman to my other side calls up to the Royalists.

I fold my arms and scowl. “Kiss ass,” I mutter.

She shoots me a glare, her amber eyes filled with tension. “Want to say that louder?”

I do, but I won’t. There’s a certain peace between the warriors at the moment. I won’t let my big mouth ruin it.Save your strength. The pain of my wounds is almost nonexistent, the healing potion working fast.Thank Gods for that.

“You will enter one at a time,” Talis announces.

“Then this is it,” Harmony breathes.

“The alliances are over,” Sera agrees.

Shit, I bite my lip, but I give the sisters privacy as they squeeze each other’s hand.

“If it’s not me, I’m glad it’s you,” Harmony whispers.

“Same,” Sera nods.

“Gee, thanks guys. I feel very appreciated,” I throw toward them.

Neither smile. Harmony fixes her gaze with mine. “Tell us, Zora. Give us something to go off of.”

“A parting alliance gift,” Sera explains. “Give us information on the Underground.”

It hadn’t occurred to me that I may be the only woman standing here with experience being within the Underground.That’s a large advantage in my personal favor, I realize. I look up at Talis.

He still wears that wicked smile, but suddenly, it’s less wicked and morestrained. Maybe it always was. Maybe those looks of frustration weren’t because of our defiance.He likes to play games, but would he really put Cristen in danger?I shake my head and pull my focus back to the sisters.

“It’s ruthless,” I say, not caring if the other women beyond my alliance hear me. “Wherever that curtain takes you, be prepared for anything. Honestly, if there is a better strategy, I say make yourself as invisible as possible. Find your threat and take them out. Use the shadows to your advantage.”

What’s left of the warriors nod their thanks.

I turn to the Evercore sisters. “Thank you for protecting me, for giving me a chance. Though my ego is suffocating with this admission, I don’t think I’d be standing here without your alliance.”

“Damn right,” Sera scoffs.

Harmony smiles. It’s soft and pained but genuine. “We may have been friends in another life.”

I look between them and shrug. “I don’t know what you mean. Wearefriends. I’m not dead yet, Evercores.”

“Some moments, that’s to our profound dismay,” Harmony laughs.

I shrug again, this time with a grin. “You’re no friend of mine if you don’t at least go out fighting. Knowing you two, whoever awaits you on the other side of that curtain is in for the ass-kicking of their lives.”

“Finally, we agree on something.” Sera bumps her shoulder lightly into mine.

“Up first —" Talis begins.

We fall silent as women are called one by one. We stand strong and proud, sending sneers up to the Royalists that leer down into the pit.