Page 55 of Veil of Fate

“I do.” Then because I’m a spiteful prick, “In some ways.”

His face breaks into a smile.

My heart stutters.

“If we marry, that will change,” he says lightly, taking my hand back into his. “I know you’re not part of the Royalist circle, so you should know there will be things expected of you.”

I run my thumb over the back of his palm. “If I don’t get to do what I want, then what’s the point?” I lift my chin. “I have goals if I win this thing.”

“Oh?” His eyes sparkle.

“Yes,” I say, my voice finding its power again. “I want to end the sex trafficking, put more laws in place to help women.”

Cristen grins. “I like that. Is that all?”

“Of course not,” I scoff. “I also want a horse.”

He snorts. “A horse? Really?”

I blush but keep my head held high.

“Alright. A horse it is.” He reaches a hand toward me and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “You’ll have to win first. Do you think you can do that?”

“You don’t know?”

“I don’t actually. Seeing Fate isn’t like seeing actual images. Not always, anyway. Mostly, it’s a lot of gut feelings, but with you, it’s always been a little blurry. It’s strange because Talis and Caya see your Fate better than I do,” he admits. “Part of me is glad because you’re something new to discover. Another part of me is terrified because I fear not seeing your fate means I care for you deeper than I probably should. I’ve never been able to get firm reads on Caya or Talis, either.”

My skin heats. “You care for me?”

His grin widens. “I think I do, yes. At the very least, I find you absolutely enthralling.”

I look away. Part of my chest feels like it’s caving in. I run a hand up my neck, scratching lightly.

Cristen’s brow furrows. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head. “So you care for me as you would an experiment? Or a project? Is that why you’ve inserted yourself into my life?”

He frowns. “Zora, no. I mean, maybe at first, but there’s something more here. Don’t you feel it?”

Yes, but I’m sure as hell not going to give in to it. I bring my gaze back to his, my face pinched. “Thank you for telling me about yourself. It clears some things up, but I’m also not sure it changes anything between us. You still lied to me.” I push up from the fallen tree.

Cristen follows after me, his frown deepening. “And you haven’t lied to me? Am I supposed to believe that?”

I try to spy where I trampled the forest, deducing my way back to the stronghold.

“Zora, we made a deal.”

I look over my shoulder. “You told me your story.”

His face twists with annoyance. “I told you a piece of it. I hoped I’d tell you more over time, that I could also learn more about you.”

I find some flung-aside branches and stroll through the opening. I pause when I remember the one thing I should’ve already asked him. I turn back, tensing when I find him on my heels. I look up at him, his size dwarfing mine. “Is Gretta okay?”

He stares at me. “You’re changing the subject.”

“I’m protecting my friend.Is she okay?” I repeat.

He nods. “She’s taken a liking to Talis.”