Page 38 of Veil of Fate

“Then I gladly accept death.” I squirm to free myself, but the men around me stomp their boots atop my wrists and ankles. I hiss in pain as they rip my daggers from my grasp.

“You’re right,” The Beast amends and lowers the sword. “Perhaps death is too good for you. Besides, do you know the fortune you cost me this evening? I think you’ll need to work off such a debt.”

I squeeze my eyes shut as panic tries to consume me.Why did I have to entice him? Why can’t I ever just keep my damn mouth shut?My eyes flash open as hands wrap around my biceps and lug me to my feet.

“What do you say, boys? Who wants to bid on something feral tonight?” The Beast calls over the crowd.

Several murmur their distaste, but too many smile with delight.

My mouth dries. “Don’t fucking touch me.”

The Beast leans in close to my ear. “Whoever gets you can do whatever they like. This is the cost of playing the hero, Zora, especially in the Underground.”

“25 threads,” Felix snarls, starting the bidding.

My eyes narrow on him as my lips peel back.

“26,” someone calls.


Fuck, this is actually happening. I wrestle with those holding me in place, kicking and squirming. “Whoever buys medies,” I cry out, but I can hear the fear in my voice and so can they.No no no.



I scan the crowd, search for any way out. There isn’t one.


“32 –”

I tremble as my surroundings shimmer into black. I flex my biceps as I realize the men who held me are gone. I jump to my feet and make a slow circle, but everything has vanished.Everything. Life itself seems to have given up, and I wonder if I’m dead. If this void is my happily ever after.

But then light sparks all around me, like stars shooting across the night sky. I spread my feet to steady myself as they whirl closer,tighteraround me.

Magic, I realize, just as the darkness evaporates, and strange, out-of-place chords of classical music dance toward me. I inhale, my eyes adjusting to the place I’ve been transported to.

A shrill cry bursts from beside me. I jump at the sound, and the music comes to an abrupt halt.

My vision clears, and goosebumps line my arms as I realize I’m in the same hall Gretta and I were randomly transported to earlier. The only difference is now there’s an actual party here.

With actual people.

And I’m a blood-covered demon.

Several women peer at me. With the music and the destination, I expected them to be dressed in formal wear, but all of them adorn armor and leather. For some, richly woven capes grace their shoulders, their hair braided or knotted but firmly out of the way.

Confusion courses through me as my eyes fly about the room, spotting weapon after weapon. Some carry swords. Others have flails. One woman even has a whip.

“What the fuck,” I mumble, just as the sound of heels hitting marble comes from my right.

“Zora!” Gretta cries, embracing me despite, well, many things. One, I don’t hug in public, but also – blood demon. She scans me over, trying to figure out if the blood on me is mine or someone else’s.

“What’s going on?” I ask her.

She shakes her head. “I’m not really sure, but I met your friend.”