He inches closer. “Why? Why are you suddenly so interested in gaining a job from me? You practically ran away after our last discussion.”
“I don’t run away,” I bite out, looking up at him and squaring my shoulders.
“Answer the question, Zora.” His fingers lightly brush my fists on accident, and we both tense further.
“Maybe I want to eat, to have a roof over my head.” I stand strong and decide to lean into his touch. I open my fists and brush my fingers back against his.
“It’s more than that. Another Boss sent you after me,” he says, the accusation certain but the tension in his face softening as he lightly trails his fingers against my palms, carefully caressing my hands.
A shiver curls down my spine as I curl my fingers into the spaces between his. I push my chest up against him, his heat radiating through my blouse from his bare torso. “Give me what I want, and no one gets hurt,” I say in a low voice, feeling our hearts slam toward each other.
The Prince clasps my hands tighter. “And what is it you want, Zora?” His gaze turns earnest, almost pleading. “Remember — honesty.”
So many answers want to slip free, and strangely, they’re all the truth. I force them back and snarl in frustration. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I’mfeelingthings for The Prince I haven’t felt in years, maybe never. Normally, this would be the part where I bat my lashes and take him to bed, but my body betrays me. My murderous ring finger stops its incessant twitch as a feeling of pure, wonderful calm trickles through me, followed by an excessive heat of desire. I’ve never wanted to both curl into someone as well as rip their clothes off in one simultaneous instance as I do right now.
“Hmm,” he hums as he studies my snarl.
“The fuck does that mean,” I ask and rip my hands from his. Whatever I’m feeling, it can’t get in the way of my job for The Beast. Understanding my past,finding my brotheris more important than some fleeting feelings.
He shakes his hair out with similar frustration and puts purposeful distance between us. “Nothing.”
“You did it earlier, too.”
“Maybe I’ll answer your questions if you answer mine,” he suggests.
“Okay,” I immediately agree.Simple enough, especially if I get the answers I want. “But I get to go first.”
He frowns but gives me a tight nod.
“What product do you offer your clientele?”
The Prince folds his arms and begins to pace. “Memories.”
“You’d be surprised how valuable they can be, especially those from our childhood that we barely remember.” He laces his fingers behind his head and tilts his eyes to the sky, a grimace wriggling over his face. “I shouldn’t be telling you this, but if it means you’ll speak plainly to me, I will.”
I hesitate, and his gaze snaps to me.
“Give me your word. No more lies,” he demands.
“Fine,” I concede. “You have my word.”Not that it means much these days.
He stops pacing and steps back toward me. “You saw my sister read that thread. We do so for our clients — whatever thread they want read. It doesn’t have to be one of their own. It could be one they extracted from someone else.”
Curiosity takes control of me. “How have the Royalists not come after you?”
“We have connections.” He grins and gives me a pointed look. “But that’s another answer, isn’t it? So, now you owe me two as well.”
I huff but wave him on. “Shoot your shot.”
He considers me for a moment, and his face darkens with a fury I don’t understand. “Earlier, when you were speaking with that woman in the bar, you told her about the Royalists who adopted you.”
I stiffen but nod.
“Was it true what you said? Did they sell your body?”
My nostrils flare. “Not for long. They learned quickly I can’t be some prim and proper puppet.”