And I have earned that title well.

“I am so sorry, tesoro mio,” I whisper.

Caterina isn’t looking at me. I see a shining track where tears have rolled down her face.

On impulse, I lean forward and press a kiss on her forehead.

When I pull back, she’s looking up at me in surprise.

“I am sorry that you were afraid of me. I’m a monster, Caterina. I am every bit as bad as you have imagined me to be. But you have my word, I would never harm you. I would never harm Luna. And I would never, ever, separate you.”

She shuts her beautiful eyes again. “You say that now, but what if…”

I know what she is about to say. What if things change. What if Marco has been antagonizing me.

What if I take it back.

“I swear it, Caterina. I do not know what I need to do to prove to you my sincerity.”

“There’s nothing you can,” she shakes her head. “What’s done is done. All we can do is move forward. We have to figure out who is trying to hurt you, Elio.”

I pause at that. “Hurt me?”

She nods, the mist clearing from her eyes. “I think that whatever is going on, whoever is behind it is trying to hurt you specifically.”

“But Marco…”

“Whatever they’ve done to him, it’s to get at you. Make a list of your enemies, Elio. We’re going to find someone on that list who is behind all this.”

She turns to walk away.

I watch her go.

Tonight has revealed a great deal to me.

Including the fact that, among other things, I am the source of Caterina’s greatest pain.

And, unless I find a way to leave my business entirely, I will continue to do so.

I am not certain the thought is a good one.

Either way, I am losing. One way, I lose Caterina.

The other way, I lose who I am.

Neither choice feels worth it.

I will find a way to keep you safe, Caterina.

I text my lawyer, because I have an idea about where to start.

In the morning,I have Nonna Francesca make Gia’s favorites. She has always entertained a penchant for crepes, and so the breakfast buffet includes crepes, eggs, sausages, and of course, the requisite French toast for Luna.

Surprisingly, Sal is the first one in the dining room.

He freezes when I enter.

“Elio,” he says, giving me a look like I am a snake.