“Elio. I am not asking. Get. Them. A. Doctor.”

He hesitates for just one moment.

Then, he’s off, barking orders at the guards and walking around like he’s going to stomp every single one of his problems beneath his feet.

I turn back to Luna, who is practically buzzing with excitement still. “Luna, baby, what did Nonna Francesca make for dinner?”

“Chicken,” she says, pulling a face. She brightens and looks at Sal. “But Mommy’s friend can make grilly cheese!”

Sal glances over at me. “Mommy’s friend?”

I breathe out. “It’s been a long few weeks, Sal.”

The smile that creeps into his face finally meets his eyes.

Just a tiny, tiny bit.

He turns back to Luna. “Chicken sounds great, munchkin.”

Hours later,we have all eaten. Luna is in bed, having finally collapsed after zooming around the mansion like a madwoman.

Gia and Sal have showered. They both went into Gia’s room to do so.

I decided not to ask any questions about that.

After they showered, presumably, they put on new clothes.

Because now, we’re all sitting in Elio’s office.




And staring at each other.

Elio looks like he’s going to explode. His face is red and he’s constantly shooting glances at Sal like Sal is going to sprout horns and a tail at any moment.

This is ridiculous.

“Okay. I don’t want to push either of you, but since there seems to be a little bit of urgency…”

Gia sighs. “You don’t have to be so polite, Caterina. I know you’re dying to know.”

She pointedly ignores Elio, who would easily prefer to shred the two of them with his eyes if he could.

Sal glances at Gia. Something passes between the two of them, and I think about the fact that they both shared Gia’s room.

One, or both, of them is going to tell us what’s going on between them.

“Yes. I definitely would like to know,” I say softly.

It’s Sal who speaks up.

“Marco has been convinced that Elio is trying to sabotage him. We’ve been under pressure at the warehouses and at the docks, and Marco told me to figure out what Elio was doing trying to knock him out of business. I looked into it, especially after the hit on Nonna Mia, especially after he took Luna…” he trails off.

I nod. “It’s okay. I didn’t know any of this, so just… keep going. Luna and I are safe and Elio’s been doing that pretty well,” I add.